siumingdev / tornado-task-manager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



A Simple Task Management System which supports CRUD of tasks with RESTful API and a task expiry notification service.

Originally it is a take home assessment within the interview process of a company.
The tech lead leave that company a few days after I submit the assessment, and later on the new tech lead decided to hire junior developers... so I don't know if this actually passed the interview or not LOL.

Design docs

Assumptions on requirements:

  • Single user, assumed to be deployed in private network
    • so there is no user authentication.
  • Task volume is not too large (e.g. <10k)
    • so the task scheduler is self-implemented, running along with the API server.
  • Request volume is also not too large
    • so that single process of API server is enough
  • Development environment: MacOS, Deployment environment: Linux

Choices of Frameworks

I have chosen the following Python frameworks / libraries:

  • Tornado
    • It is chosen because it is used in that company.
    • Alternative: FastAPI, which also supports async with additional functionalities like auto-generated Swagger docs
  • encode/databases
    • Provides async connection to relational DB with SQLAlchemy Core expression language
    • Remarks: SQLAlchemy ORM is not supported.
    • If there are more DB tables and more endpoints, consider using pydantic model to act as entity object and DTO.
  • Python Sorted Containers
    • For the task scheduler (see "Task Expiry Notification" sub-section)


  • Basically follows RESTful design principle.
  • 3 endpoints:
    1. v1/health with GET method: basic health check
    2. v1/tasks with GET, POST, PUT and DELETE methods
    3. v1/tasks/<task_id> with GET, PUT and DELETE methods
  • Originally wanted to build a swagger doc (like this), however I don't have enough time to figure out how to do it for Tornado.
  • Now a very brief API docs is written in the doc string of the class task_man.handlers.v1.tasks.TasksHandler and task_man.handlers.v1.tasks.TaskByIdHandler.

Task Expiry Notification Service

  • Functionality:

    • notify user by console log if the task will be expired in 15 minutes. (or notify immediately after accepting expired task from API)
  • Module:

    • task_man.scheduling
  • Design on implementations:

    • a periodic background task running in a separate thread along with the API server
      • originally want it to be an long-living async function in the same thread as the API server, however cannot figure out how to run the function right after API server main IO loop started.
    • instead of periodically checking DB for next to-be-expired task, the service caches task after accepting API requests of adding new tasks / updating or deleting existing tasks.
      • The cache is implemented in task_man.scheduling.TaskCache. It is composed of 2 parts:
        1. A dictionary with id as key and (title, expiry_dt) as value, storing latest snapshots of to-be-expired tasks.
        2. A SortedSet (from sortedcontainers) storing (expiry_dt, id), storing all snapshots of tasks with non-nul expiry_dt.
          • e.g. if expiry_dt of a task is updated once, there will be 2 records in the sorted set.
          • chosen SortedSet instead of a priority queue to avoid duplicated records.
      • The scheduler keeps checking if the next to-be-expired task (min entry in the sorted sort) will be expired in 15mins, and if yes then process the task.
      • During processing an entry (expiry_dt, id) from the sorted set, it will check if expiry_dt matches the latest snapshot from the dictionary.
        • if matches, notify user and remove the task from both the dict and the sorted set
        • if not matches or not found, just discard the entry (the task is updated by the user)
    • auto-load to-be-expired tasks from DB to task cache when app start.
    • CAUTION: multi-process of API server is not supported. If enabled multi-process, each process will maintain a cache and will have problem on cache invalidation. Consider remote shared cache like RQ scheduler.

Development Setup

Python environment:

  1. create a new conda environment and activate it. (I am using Python 3.7)
  2. run cd src and python develop in terminal to install task_man in development mode.


I have chosen MySQL as the backed database.

  1. Please follow standard MySQL setup guide to install MySQL DB locally.
  2. run mysql/create_db.sql and then mysql/task.sql using tools like DBeaver to create database and table for development.

How to run (Pycharm):

  1. Choose the conda env with task_man dev installed in `Settings/Project/Project Interpreter
  2. Environment variables required to run the app: MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER and MYSQL_PASSWORD (default values: localhost:3306, root, root)
    1. Click Edit Configuration in the upper right.
    2. Choose src/ in Script path.
    3. Setup the environment variables.
  3. Run src/ with the configuration you have just created to start the app.

Deployment Setup (brief)

  1. git clone from the repo
  2. build wheels and install task_man package
  3. setup environment variables for DB connection
  4. run with entry point: src/


Environment setup:

  1. The functional test connects to the DB synchronously, which requires mysqlclient to be installed.
  2. Also requires requests.
  3. On Mac: can do steps 1 and 2 by running chmod 700 and then
  4. On Ubuntu: can do steps 1 and 2 by running


  1. Test coverage is not enough.
    • It only provides basic positive tests. Need to add negative test cases e.g. test with invalid inputs.
    • Interaction between API server and task expiry notification is not tested.



Language:Python 98.7%Language:Shell 1.3%