situmtech / situm-react-native-getting-started

Sample application to demonstrate the capabilities of Situm SDK in React Native

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Situm React Native Plugin Sample app

Table of contents


  1. Step 1: Configure our SDK in your react-native project
  2. Step 2: Set your credentials
  3. Step 3: Setup Google Maps


  1. Positioning: Download the buildings in your account and how to start the positioning in a building.
  2. Indoor-Outdoor: Use the indoor-outdoor positioning.
  3. Draw building: Draw the floorplan of a building over a map.
  4. Draw position: Draw the position you obtain from the SDK in the map.
  5. Draw pois: Draw the pois of a building over the map
  6. Draw route: Draw a route between to points over the map
  7. Building events: Get the events of a building.
  8. Point inside geofence: Draw geofences and calculate if a point is inside them.
  9. Overlapping Buildings: Based on special custom-fields, shows 2 overlapping buildings by: 1) selecting one as basemap, 2) selecting another as secondary.
  10. Display POIs based on zoom: Displays different POIs based on the zoom level of the camera's view, using custom-field properties.
  11. Display tiled floorplans: Displays tiled floorplans downloaded from an URL.


Situm SDK is a set of utilities that allow any developer to build location based apps using Situm's indoor positioning system. Among many other capabilities, apps developed with Situm SDK will be able to:

  1. Obtain information related to buildings where Situm's positioning system is already configured: floor plans, points of interest, geotriggered events, etc.
  2. Retrieve the location of the smartphone inside these buildings (position, orientation, and floor where the smartphone is).
  3. Compute a route from a point A (e.g. where the smartphone is) to a point B (e.g. any point of interest within the building).
  4. Trigger notifications when the user enters a certain area.

In this tutorial, we will guide you step by step to set up your first react-native application using Situm SDK. Before starting to write code, we recommend you to set up an account in our Dashboard (, retrieve your API KEY and configure your first building.

  1. Go to the sign in form and enter your username and password to sign in.
  2. Go to the account section and on the bottom, click on "generate one" to generate your API KEY.
  3. Go to the buildings section and create your first building.
  4. Download Situm Mapping Tool Android application. With this application you will be able to configure and test Situm's indoor positioning system in your buildings.

Perfect! Now you are ready to develop your first indoor positioning application.

NOTE: More information on how to use the official React Native plugin and the set of APIs, the functions, parameters and results each function accepts and provides can be found in our Cordova JSDoc which shares interfaces.

Step 1: Configure project and install dependencies

First of all, you must install all dependencies required to run the project. You can do that by executing any of the following commands.



npm install

After that, you must configure Situm SDK in your project. This has been already done for you in the sample application, but nonetheless we will walk you through the process.

  • Add the SDK to your project directly using your favorite package manager.
yarn add react-native-situm-plugin


npm install --save react-native-situm-plugin
  • You must initialize the SDK before using any of its features:
import SitumPlugin from 'react-native-situm-plugin';


Step 2: set your credentials

In the code, you can set the the user and API key with:

SitumPlugin.setApiKey(SITUM_EMAIL,SITUM_API_KEY, (response) =>{})

or you can set the user and password with:

SitumPlugin.setUserPass(SITUM_EMAIL,SITUM_PASS, (response) =>{})

NOTE: In this project you can do this by setting the properties on the config.js file, like so:


Step 3: Setup Google Maps

You may need to configure an API KEY in order to be able to use Google Maps on your app.

Please follow steps provided on [Google Maps for iOS](https://developers. to generate an API Key.

Note: When generating an API key, you can restrict only to iOS & Android to use same key for both platforms.

  • iOS

    When you've successfully generated the key, go to AppDelegate.m file and initialize Google Maps as shown:

#import <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h>

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    [GMSServices provideAPIKey:@"HERE_GOES_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY"];

Note: In this project, you will find ios/conf.plist, there you can sent API key as follows:

  • Android

    Go to AndroidManifest.xml file and add Google Maps API key as a meta-data.

    android:value="HERE_GOES_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY" />

Note: In this project, you will find res/values/situm_conf.xml, there you can sent API key as follows:

    <string name="google_maps_api">MAPS_API_KEY_GOES_HERE</string>

Run Android Version

  • Run from command line: $ react-native run-android
  • Run from Android Studio: Open root/android folder in Android Studio and run project.

Run iOS Version

  • Run from command line: $ react-native run-ios
  • Run from XCode: Go to root/ios folder and open SitumRNGettingStarted.xcworkspace or run command xed ios from root directory.

Support Information

For any questions or bug report, please send an email to

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Sample application to demonstrate the capabilities of Situm SDK in React Native


Language:TypeScript 81.4%Language:Objective-C 7.0%Language:Java 6.5%Language:JavaScript 2.1%Language:Starlark 2.0%Language:Ruby 1.0%