sirinath / nfsdb

Low Latency Storage


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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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##What is NFSdb?

NFSdb is a java library that lets you easily persist huge volumes of POJOs on disk with almost zero GC overhead and minimal latency (millions of writes in a second). With NFSdb you can also query these objects and replicate them over the network. Fast. Very, very fast.


Storing and querying data for Java developer is always pain in the neck. JDBC requires ORM tools, which is always a maintenance nightmare and performance hog. NoSQL databases are better but come with tricky installation and integration procedures and are not maintenance free either. We wanted to create a library that would help us to:

  • linear scalability in response to data volume increase.
  • throw away boilerplate persistence layer.
  • have clean, minimalistic API.
  • throw away caching because our database would be fast enough!
  • have minimal heap footprint.
  • leverage all of the available memory without using it for heap.
  • handle time series queries efficiently.
  • provide out of box support for temporal data.
  • scale processing out to multiple servers

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NFSdb provides automatic serialization for primitive types of POJOs to Memory Mapped Files. Files organised on disk in directories per class and files per attributes, providing column-based data store. String values can be indexed for fast searches and if your data has timestamp - it can be partitioned by DAY, MONTH or YEAR. Memory Mapped Files are managed by Operating System, which provides resilience in case of JVM crash and also a way of inter-process communication as data written by one process is immediately available to all other processes.

NFSdb also provides easy to setup data replication over TCP/IP with automatic service discovery via multicast.

This is an example of fully functional data publisher/server:

public class SimpleReplicationServerMain {

    private final String location;

    public SimpleReplicationServerMain(String location) {
        this.location = location;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        new SimpleReplicationServerMain(args[0]).start();

    public void start() throws Exception {
        JournalFactory factory = new JournalFactory(location);
        JournalServer server = new JournalServer(factory);

        JournalWriter<Price> writer = factory.writer(Price.class);


        System.out.print("Publishing: ");
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            publishPrice(writer, 1000000);
        System.out.println(" [Done]");

    private void publishPrice(JournalWriter<Price> writer, int count) 
            throws JournalException {
        long tZero = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Price p = new Price();
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            p.setTimestamp(tZero + i);
            p.setSym(String.valueOf(i % 20));
            p.setPrice(i * 1.04598 + i);
        // commit triggers network publishing

And this is fully functional client measuring transaction latency:

public class SimpleReplicationClientMain {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        JournalFactory factory = new JournalFactory(args[0]);
        final JournalClient client = new JournalClient(factory);

        final Journal<Price> reader = factory.bulkReader(Price.class, "price-copy");

        client.subscribe(Price.class, null, "price-copy", new TxListener() {
            public void onCommit() {
                int count = 0;
                long t = 0;
                for (Price p : reader.incrementBuffered()) {
                    if (count == 0) {
                        t = p.getTimestamp();
                System.out.println("took: "
                                + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) 
                                + ", count=" + count);
        System.out.println("Client started");

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More examples?

We have growing collection of examples in our [git repository] (

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On test rig (Intel i7-920 @ 4Ghz) NFSdb shows average read latency of 20-30ns and write latency of 60ns per column of data. Read and write do not have any GC overhead (excluding reading strings - they are immutable).

Above example takes ~500ms to produce and fully consume 1 million objects on localhost.

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NFSdb requires minimum of Java 7 and stable release is available from maven Central


Check out release notes for details of the release.

Snapshot releases are also available from Maven central. To get hold of those add these lines to pom.xml:



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NFSdb is available under [Apache 2.0 License] (

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We actively respond to all issues raised via GitHub. Please do not hesitate to ask questions or request features.

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Low Latency Storage