siraj / macosvpn

Command-line tool to create L2TP over IPSec or Cisco VPN services programmatically in Mac OS X

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Version License Build Status Gitter

Create Mac OS VPNs programmatically

This is a command-line tool written in Objective-C that can create VPN network configurations on your Mac.

It supports both L2TP over IPSec and Cisco IPSec.


  • Mac OS Yosemite or Mavericks (I have not tested it on older versions, it might work)
  • Administrator privileges (i.e. you've got to run it with sudo)


Start a Terminal and run this curl command to get the executable:

sudo bash -c "curl -L > /usr/local/bin/macosvpn"
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/macosvpn

You can always run macosvpn --version to see the version currently installed on your system and compare it to the latest available version on Github.


Creating a single L2TP over IPSec VPN Service:

macosvpn create --l2tp Atlantic --endpoint --username Alice --password p4ssw0rd --shared-secret s3same

Replace --l2tp with --cisco to create a Cisco IPSec instead.


The same command but shorter:

macosvpn create l2tp Atlantic endpoint username Alice password p4ssw0rd shared-secret s3same

The same command even shorter (replace -l with -c for Cisco IPSec):

macosvpn create -l Atlantic -e -u Alice -p p4ssw0rd -s s3same

The same command as short as possible:

macosvpn create -leups Atlantic Alice p4ssw0rd s3same

Creating multiple VPNs at once

Repeat the arguments for creating multiple Services at once (no matter which short version you use :)

macosvpn create -leups Atlantic Alice p4ssw0rd s3same \\
                -leups Northpole Bob s3cret pr1v4te

Global default values

Assign default values which will be applied to every service. Say you want to create the following VPN services:

no name      endpoint              user  password sharedsecret
1  Australia Alice p4ssw0rd s3same
2  Island    Alice p4ssw0rd s3same

You could do that with the following command:

macosvpn create --default-username Alice --default-password p4ssw0rd --default-endpoint-suffix \\
                --l2tp Australia --endpoint-prefix australia --shared-secret s3same \\
                --l2tp Island --endpoint-prefix island --shared-secret letme1n

The same command a little shorter:

macosvpn create -m Alice -a p4ssw0rd -x \\
                -l Australia -f australia -s s3same \\
                -l Island -f island -s letme1n

If you feel adventurous you can find all available flags at the bottom of this file.


  • If you get a warning that says "Creating Keychain item failed: write permissions error", you need to run the application with sudo.
  • If you're stuck, try to add the --debug flag and see if it says something useful.


  • If a VPN with the given name already exists, it is ignored. In the future there should be a --force option to re-create it

Development and credits

Feel free to browse through the code of this application. It's pretty small and straight-forward.

It all began with finding this page you probably already found. But it was not before this practical example that I actually dared to try to implement this. Then, google led me to this page where I learned how to set the Shared Secret. The last hurdle was to get the "Send all traffic over VPN" flag, which I finally found the answer to here. Finally, I learned from over here how to add things to the System Keychain.

Useful commands for debugging:

# Show all current VPN service configurations
open /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist
# Show all Keychain Items and their access policies
security dump-keychain -a /Library/Keychains/System.keychain

Special thanks

To the beautiful 3rd party libraries I was allowed to use:


MIT 2015 halo. See MIT-LICENSE.


Command-line tool to create L2TP over IPSec or Cisco VPN services programmatically in Mac OS X



Language:Objective-C 100.0%