sinhpn92 / flutter_callkit

Flutter SDK for CallKit integration to Flutter applications on iOS

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Flutter SDK for CallKit integration to Flutter applications on iOS

Supported on iOS >= 10

We wrote an article about the plugin - "How we make Flutter work with CallKit Call Directory".

Available on English and Russian languages.


  1. Add flutter_callkit_voximplant as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  2. Add the following entry to your Info.plist file, located in <project root>/ios/Runner/Info.plist:


This entry required for CallKit to work


API of the SDK is designed as close as possible to CallKit iOS Framework.

CallKit documentation can be found here

A few differences explained:

  • Use FlutterCallkitPlugin.sharedInstance.reportNewIncomingCallWithUUID: native iOS method to report new incoming call received via VoIP push notification
  • Use FlutterCallkitPlugin.sharedInstance.hasCallWithUUID: native iOS method to check if CallKit already has a call with the given UUID
  • Use FCXPlugin.didDisplayIncomingCall (dart) handle incoming call reported with reportNewIncomingCallWithUUID
  • Use FCXPlugin.logLevel (dart) to adjust logging
  • Use FCXPlugin.processPushCompletion (dart) to execute completion block received from push (iOS 11+ only)
  • FCXCallController and FCXProvider are only allowed in single instance (use it as a singletone)

Note that UUID's passed to FCXProvider will be uppercased by the CallKit.


import 'package:flutter_callkit_voximplant/flutter_callkit_voximplant.dart';

// init main plugin class:
FCXPlugin _plugin = FCXPlugin();
// init main CallKit classes:
FCXProvider _provider = FCXProvider();
FCXCallController _callController = FCXCallController();
// at this point CallKit classes are not ready yet
// configure it to use:
try {
  await _callController.configure();
  await _provider.configure(FCXProviderConfiguration('ExampleLocalizedName'));
} catch (_) {
  // handle exception

Making outgoing calls

To make an outgoing call, an app requests a FCXStartCallAction object from its FCXCallController object. The action consists of a UUID to uniquely identify the call and a FCXHandle object to specify the recipient.

Future<void> makeCall(String contactName, String uuid) async {
  FCXHandle handle = FCXHandle(FCXHandleType.Generic, contactName);
  FCXStartCallAction action = FCXStartCallAction(uuid, handle);
  await _callController.requestTransactionWithAction(action);

After the call is connected, the system calls the provider's performStartCallAction method. In your implementation, this method is responsible for configuring an AVAudioSession and calling fulfill() on the action when finished.

_provider.performStartCallAction = (startCallAction) async {
  // configure audio session
  await startCallAction.fulfill();

Receiving an Incoming Call

Using the information provided by the external notification, the app creates a UUID and a CXCallUpdate object to uniquely identify the call and the caller, and passes them both to the provider using the reportNewIncomingCall() method.

Future<void> handleIncomingCall(String contactName, String uuid) async {
  FCXCallUpdate callUpdate = FCXCallUpdate(localizedCallerName: contactName);
  await _provider.reportNewIncomingCall(uuid, callUpdate);

After the recipient answers the call, the system calls the performAnswerCallAction method of the provider. In your implementation of that method, configure an AVAudioSession and call the fulfill() method on the action object when finished.

_provider.performAnswerCallAction = (answerCallAction) async {
  // configure audio session
  await answerCallAction.fulfill();

Handling push notifications

Note: This SDK is not related to PushKit

Push handling must be done through native iOS code due to iOS 13 PushKit VoIP restrictions.

Flutter CallKit SDK has built-in reportNewIncomingCallWithUUID:callUpdate:providerConfiguration:pushProcessingCompletion:) method (iOS) to correctly work with it


import Flutter
import flutter_callkit_voximplant
import PushKit
import CallKit

class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate, PKPushRegistryDelegate {
    // 1. override PKPushRegistryDelegate methods
    func pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry,
                      didReceiveIncomingPushWith payload: PKPushPayload,
                      for type: PKPushType
    ) {
        processPush(with: payload.dictionaryPayload, and: nil)

    func pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry,
                      didReceiveIncomingPushWith payload: PKPushPayload,
                      for type: PKPushType,
                      completion: @escaping () -> Void
    ) {
        processPush(with: payload.dictionaryPayload, and: completion)

    // 2. process push
    private func processPush(with payload: Dictionary<AnyHashable, Any>,
                             and completion: (() -> Void)?
    ) {
        // 3. get uuid and other needed information from payload
        guard let uuidString = payload["UUID"] as? String,
            let uuid = UUID(uuidString: uuidString),
            let localizedName = payload["identifier"] as? String
            else {
        // 4. prepare call update
        let callUpdate = CXCallUpdate()
        callUpdate.localizedCallerName = localizedName
        // 5. prepare provider configuration
        let configuration = CXProviderConfiguration(localizedName: "ExampleLocalizedName")
        // 6. send it to the plugin
            with: uuid,
            callUpdate: callUpdate,
            providerConfiguration: configuration,
            pushProcessingCompletion: completion


#import <Flutter/Flutter.h>
#import <FlutterCallkitPlugin.h>
#import <PushKit/PushKit.h>
#import <CallKit/CallKit.h>

@interface AppDelegate : FlutterAppDelegate<PKPushRegistryDelegate>


@implementation AppDelegate

// 1. override PKPushRegistryDelegate methods
- (void)             pushRegistry:(PKPushRegistry *)registry
didReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload:(PKPushPayload *)payload
                          forType:(PKPushType)type {
    [self processPushWithPayload:payload.dictionaryPayload 

- (void)             pushRegistry:(PKPushRegistry *)registry
didReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload:(PKPushPayload *)payload
            withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(void))completion {
    [self processPushWithPayload:payload.dictionaryPayload

// 2. process push
-(void)processPushWithPayload:(NSDictionary *)payload
         andCompletionHandler:(dispatch_block_t)completion {
    // 3. get uuid and other needed information from payload
    NSUUID *UUID = [[NSUUID alloc] initWithUUIDString:payload[@"UUID"]];
    NSString *localizedName = payload[@"identifier"];
    // 4. prepare call update
    CXCallUpdate *callUpdate = [CXCallUpdate new];
    callUpdate.localizedCallerName = localizedName;
    // 5. prepare provider configuration
    CXProviderConfiguration *configuration =
        [[CXProviderConfiguration alloc]
    // 6. send it to plugin
    [FlutterCallkitPlugin.sharedInstance reportNewIncomingCallWithUUID:UUID

At this point CallKit will be set up to handle incoming call and will present its UI.

didDisplayIncomingCall of FCXPlugin will be called in dart code.

Call processPushCompletion from dart code once call successfully connected.

Call Blocking and Identification

Apps can create a Call Directory app extension to identify and block incoming callers by their phone number.

When a phone number is blocked, the system telephony provider will disallow incoming calls from that phone number without displaying them to the user.

When a phone number has an identification entry, incoming calls from that phone number will display its associated label to the user.

To integrate CallDirectory App Extension functionality to an Flutter application, it is required:

  • add a CallDirectory Extenstion to the XCode project.
  • implement data storage for blocked and/or identifiable numders in the native iOS code and connect it with CallDirectory Extension.
  • assign FlutterCallkitPlugin CallDirectory related properties with functions that access numbers storage.

More on the CallDirectory App Extension

Example App with CallDirectory App Extension implemented


iOS CallKit Framework Documentation by Apple:


Flutter SDK for CallKit integration to Flutter applications on iOS

License:MIT License


Language:Dart 55.1%Language:Objective-C 36.6%Language:Swift 6.7%Language:Ruby 1.3%Language:Kotlin 0.2%Language:C 0.1%