sinhasamarth / MusicWiki

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Music App


Artitecure used - MVVM

Done within 2 Days

Network Library - Retrofit (For API Calls) and Glide (For fetching Images)

Secured API Key - Using local properties so that reverse engineering gets tricky

Pagination 3 - For pagination in Album, Tracks and Artist Features

Dagger Hilt - For Dependency Injection

OkHttp - For adding query parameters dynamically and logging the request

ViewBinding - For managing XML layout codes

Safe Args - For having safe navigation in the app

Navigation Component - For navigation in the app

Single Activity - For Better Performance

Lang - 100% Kotlin


MVVM - It gives a clear code structure and help in handing orienation

Retrofit - Best network libraray for api calls due to a ton of option like adding common query key in all request using okHttp client

Dagger Hilt - For better managing the objects and creating singleton pattern easily

View Binding - Getting rid of findViewBy becuase of null of pointer exception problem and easy to handle the ui

Safe Args - For navigating between fragments without any error of action not found and passing parameter to the fragment

Navigation Component - Ease to implement no need to manullay push and pop it take care of it internally

Pagination - To load only data which is required for the user as well as Api requirement


User must use app in portrait mode for better UI



Language:Kotlin 100.0%