sinadarvi / Git-to-gitLab

Git From Eclipse To GitLab

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Git From Eclipse To GitLab

Cloning your project to a Git repository is a nice way to manage and Save History of your project.

1 - Sign up Into GitLab

GitLab is one of Git Repositories that have one feature that you will like is that you can Create Personal project there for free :D if you go to GitLab you will see page like this : 1 you just have to click Sign up button and then sign in with your Github Account.

2 - Make Empty Project in GitLab

just like below pic, click on New Project: 2 after that , you will see a page like this image and complete it with Appropriate Answers. 3 So far, it was so easy. Lets go to Eclipse.

3 - Clone GIT Repository

here we assume that we have an Existing Project. Go to Window --> Show View --> Other. Click on Git --> Git Repositories
Now in the Git window, click on Clone a Git repository. 4 after that you should copy Git repository from GitLab and then fill this just like that. (you should set HTTPS Username and Password in Gitlab and pass them to here) 5 Type your username and password. Choose "Store in Secure Store". Click Next, and then Next again. there you just set Directory for destination. after that you click on Finish.

so far we have repo with no head.

4 - Check-in code to Gitlab

you just right click on the name of your project and then team and then share project as like as this : 6 select git and click next. In next page you should give your repo (what we prepare so far) and choose that. 1

after that we see the "NO-HEAD" indication next to our project folder in Eclipse directory view. It can simply mean that, until you make your first add and first commit, you have no branch (not even a master one), hence no HEAD referencing any branch.

so for solve that we just right click on name of project and then team and choose commit like this: 8 and then commit a massage and click on Commit after that you can see "NO-HEAD" changed to "Master". again right click on project and then choose team and then click on Push Branch 'master' 9 and that's pushed your project on gitLab :)) 10

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Git From Eclipse To GitLab