simwak / calavera

A fully featured web-based development environment deployed on Kubernetes

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Calavera: A fully featured web-based development environment

Calavera is a fully featured web-based development environment deployed on Kubernetes with serveral available services! It has everything a team needs to develop applications. From a project management tool like OpenProject to the web-hosted editor Visual Studio Code is everything needed included. Even deploying applications in the Kubernetes Cluster is possible with a user namespace which is available without further configuration or authorization in the editor to access.

Inspired and named after Charles Betz project "Calavera".

Included services:

  • OpenLDAP
  • Keycloak
  • Gitea
  • GitLab
  • Jenkins
  • Nexus OSS
  • Mattermost
  • OpenProject
  • Visual Studio Code

Related repositories:


  • Kubernetes 1.15+
  • Helm 3
  • Traefik 2 as IngressController
  • Persistent Storage (default StorageClass)
  • DNS entry for * to your Traefik Ingress
  • DNS entry for * or *.* to your Traefik Ingress

Tested on AWS EKS and k3s.


terraform init
terraform apply -var-file=values.tfvars

Create a values.tfvars or use one from the examples/ directory and adjust it to your environment.

Known Issues

  • GitLab Runner Chart: X509: certificate signed by unknown authority
    Description: The current runner chart (0.20.1) is unable to set a custom CA correctly. Issue 81
    Workaround: Manually setting the env variable CI_SERVER_TLS_CA_FILE to the path of a full-chain certifcate. Execute kubectl edit deployment {{ release_name }}-gitlab-gitlab-runner (Replace {{ release_name }} with the actual value) and add the variable CI_SERVER_TLS_CA_FILE.
      value: /home/gitlab-runner/.gitlab-runner/certs/lets_encrypt_staging_root.pem
  • GitLab: SSH will not work
    Description: Becouse SSH is not routeable with Traefik like HTTPS it cannot be used. It also cannot be disable automatically trough the chart settings.
    Workaround: Login as a GitLab Administrator and disable SSH under Admin Area → System Settings → Enabled Git access protocols → Only HTTP(S)
  • GitLab: Disable self.registration
    Description: Registration should be disabled for GitLab as only LDAP is used. This is to prevent security incidents like this. The chart does not support this option currently. Issue 2837
    Workaround: Login as a GitLab Administrator and disable self registration in the Admin Area.
  • Gitea Login only works with UID or OAuth
    Description: You cannot use your E-Mail address right now for the gitea login
    Workaround: Use your UID or OAuth


With which credentials can I log in?

Always use your E-Mail address. The uid/username also works in a few services.

How long does it take until all services are ready?

Most of the services are ready in about 3-4 minutes. OpenProject needs about 7-8 minutes becouse of the complex configuration method with a sidecar. It restarts once after it has been configured.

How can I login as a GitLab administrator/root user?

Synchronization of LDAP groups/roles are not available in GitLab CE, therefore it is not possible to grant the default LDAP administrator GitLab administrator rights. To login as a administrator use the user root with the password from kubectl get secret {{ release_name }}-gitlab-gitlab-initial-root-password --template={{.data.password}} | base64 -d (Replace {{ release_name }} with the actual value). You can login without SSO at https://{{ domains.gitlab }}/users/sign_in?auto_sign_in=false (Replace {{ release_name }} with the actual value). You also grant the administrator rights to your user now in Admin Area → Users → Your user → Edit.


This project was developed as a part of a bachelor thesis at the Hochschule für Telekommunikation in Leipzig (HfTL).

Maintainer and creator is:
Simon Wakenhut (


A fully featured web-based development environment deployed on Kubernetes


Language:HCL 100.0%