simskij / charm-events

Documentation of the juju state machine + charm events

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This is a temporary repository to work on the charm events graph while we find a place for it in the existing documentation or a juju repo. It also includes some made-up notes to understanding the graph.

The Graph

flowchart TD
    subgraph Setup
        storage_attached["[*]-storage-attached"] --> install
        install --> relation_created["[*]-relation-created"]:::relationEvent
        relation_created --> |leader unit|leader_elected[leader-elected]:::leaderEvent
        relation_created --> |non-leader unit|leader_settings_changed[leader-settings-changed]:::leaderEvent
        leader_settings_changed --> config_changed[config-changed]
        leader_elected --> config_changed[config-changed]
        config_changed --> start

    subgraph Maintenance
        upgrade_charm[upgrade-charm] --- 
        update_status[update-status] ---
        leader_elected_mant[leader-elected]:::leaderEvent --- 
        relation_joined_mant[<*>-relation-joined]:::relationEvent -.- relation_departed_mant[<*>-relation-departed]:::relationEvent
        relation_created_mant[<*>-relation-created]:::relationEvent -.- relation_broken_mant[<*>-relation-broken]:::relationEvent
    subgraph Teardown
        relation_broken_teard[<*>-relation-broken]:::relationEvent -->
        storage_detached[<*>-storage-detached]:::storageEvent -->
        stop -->
    Start:::meta --> 
    Setup --> 
    Maintenance --> 
    Teardown --> 

linkStyle 7 stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px;
linkStyle 8 stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px;
linkStyle 9 stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px;

classDef relationEvent fill:#f9f5;
classDef storageEvent fill:#f995;
classDef leaderEvent fill:#5f55;
classDef meta fill:#1112,stroke-width:3px;

Understanding the graph

You can read the graph as follows: when you fire up a unit, there is first a setup phase, when that is done the unit enters a maintenance phase, and when the unit goes there will be a sequence of teardown events. Generally speaking, this guarantees some sort of ordering of the events: events that are unique to the teardown phase can be guaranteed not to be fired during the setup phase. So a stop will never be fired before a start.

The obvious omission from the graph is the <*>-pebble-ready event, which can be fired at any time whatsoever during the lifecycle of a charm; similarly all actions and custom events can trigger hooks which can race with any other hook in the graph. Lacking a way to add them to the mermaid graph without ruining its simmetry and so as to avoid giving the wrong impression, I omitted these altogether.

pre/post series-upgrade machine charm events are also omitted, but these are simply part of the maintenance phase.

Notes on the Setup phase

  • The only events that are guaranteed to always occur during Setup are start and install. The other events only happen if the charm happens to have (peer) relations at install time (e.g. if a charm that already is related to another gets scaled up) or it has storage. Same goes for leadership events.
  • config-changed occurs between start and install regardless of whether any leadership (or relation) event fires.

Notes on the Maintenance phase

  • update-status is fired automatically and periodically, at a configurable interval (default is 5m).
  • leader-elected and leader-settings-changed only fire on the leader unit and the non-leader unit(s) respectively, just like at startup.
  • There is a square of symmetries between the *-relation-[joined/departed/created/broken] events:
    • Temporal ordering: a X-relation-joined cannot follow a X-relation-departed for the same X. Same goes for *-relation-created and *-relation-broken.
    • Ownership: *-relation-joined and *-relation-created only fire on unit(s) that is(are) already in the relation and the unit(s) that is(are) joining respectively. Same goes for *-relation-departed and *-relation-broken

Notes on the Teardown phase

  • Both relation and storage events are guaranteed to fire before stop/remove if the charm has storage/relations. Otherwise, only stop/remove will be fired.

Event semantics and data

This document is only about the timing of the events; for the 'meaning' of the events, other sources are more appropriate; e.g. juju-events. For the data attached to an event, one should refer to the docstrings in the ops.charm.HookEvent subclass that the event you're expecting in your handler inherits from.


Documentation of the juju state machine + charm events