simplyhexagonal / string-crypto

Small and simple (yet secure) library to encrypt and decrypt strings using PBKDF2 for key derivation and AES (defaulted to 256-bit / SHA512)

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String Crypto logo depicting a ball of yarn being weaved by a vintage looking key

String Crypto

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All Contributors

Small and and simple (yet secure) library to encrypt and decrypt strings using PBKDF2 for key derivation and AES (defaulted to 256-bit / SHA512).

This project is open to updates by its users, I ensure that PRs are relevant to the community. In other words, if you find a bug or want a new feature, please help us by becoming one of the contributors ✌️ ! See the contributing section.

v2 Breaking Changes

  • 🚨 This new version is unable to decrypt strings encrypted by v1!

I've refactored out the usage of external libraries. These libraries used extra steps that only added unnecessary computational overhead with no cryptographic advantages.

These extra steps did cause enough byte differences as to make strings encrypted with v1 unable to be decrypted by v2.

  • The keylen option has been removed and is now managed automagically by Node's crypto native module, depending on the chosen key digest.

v2 New Features

String Crypto v2 allows for 12 more key digests, for a total of 20:

  • blake2b512
  • blake2s256
  • md4
  • md5
  • md5-sha1
  • mdc2
  • ripemd160
  • sha1
  • sha224
  • sha256
  • sha3-224
  • sha3-256
  • sha3-384
  • sha3-512
  • sha384
  • sha512
  • sha512-224
  • sha512-256
  • sm3
  • whirlpool

Like this module? ❀

Please consider:


yarn add string-crypto
import StringCrypto from 'string-crypto';

const stringToProtect = 'What is the largest (rational) number n such that there are positive integers p, q, r such that 1 - 1/p - 1/q - 1/r = 1/n?';

const password = 'Oh-no,not-again';

const {
} = new StringCrypto();

let encryptedString = encryptString(stringToProtect, password);

console.log('Encrypted String:', encryptedString);

console.log('Decrypted String:', decryptString(encryptedString, password));


const options = {
  salt: '2f0ijf2039j23r09j2fg45o9ng98um4o',
  iterations: 10,
  digest: 'sha512' as const, // one of: 'blake2b512' | 'blake2s256' | 'md4' | 'md5' | 'md5-sha1' | 'mdc2' | 'ripemd160' | 'sha1' | 'sha224' | 'sha256' | 'sha3-224' | 'sha3-256' | 'sha3-384' | 'sha3-512' | 'sha384' | 'sha512' | 'sha512-224' | 'sha512-256' | 'sm3' | 'whirlpool';

const {
  encryptString: saferEncrypt,
  decryptString: saferDecrypt,
} = new StringCrypto(options);

Development and build scripts

I chose Rollup to handle the transpiling, compression, and any other transformations needed to get your Typescript code running as quickly and performant as possible.

This repo uses runkit.js to validate code sanity. Why? Because uses Runkit to allow potential users to play with your module, live on their browser, which is one of the best ways to convince someone to use your modules in their code. Runkit will look for the runkit.js by default and display that as the initial playground for the user, so by making it the default validation method during development, this encourages proper communication with the users of your code.


yarn dev

Uses concurrently to run Rollup in watch mode (which means it will transpile to dist when you save changes to your code), as well as Nodemon to listen for changes in the dist directory and re-run the runkit.js as you modify your source! This includes running node with the --inspect flag so you can inspect your code using Google Chrome Dev Tools (by opening chrome://inspect in your browser), you're welcome ;)


yarn build

This command will build the dist/index.js, uglified and tree-shaken so it loads/runs faster.

It also generates a source map and a dist/index.d.ts type file for Typescript importing convenience.


Yes, thank you! This plugin is community-driven, most of its features are from different authors. Please update the docs and tests and add your name to the package.json file.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Jean Lescure

🚧 πŸ’» πŸ““ ⚠️ πŸ’‘ πŸ“–

Diana Lescure

πŸ“– πŸ‘€ 🎨


Small and simple (yet secure) library to encrypt and decrypt strings using PBKDF2 for key derivation and AES (defaulted to 256-bit / SHA512)


Language:TypeScript 63.6%Language:JavaScript 36.4%