simongoricar / webpack-static-site-template

A multipage static site generator built with Webpack. Nunjucks + TypeScript ESNext + SCSS.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Static multipage site generation using Webpack.

MIT license Webpack ^5.72.1


  • multipage static site builder,
  • write normal HTML for smaller sites, but with the ability to use Nunjucks templating for more complex tasks,
  • write TypeScript for type-safety with modern JS features (ESNext),
  • cleaner stylesheet writing with SCSS/Sass,
  • automatic minification in production builds.


  • General: Automatic page detection (practically no configuration, just a matter of creating a directory inside src/pages and creating relevant files).
  • HTML: Support for both normal HTML (.html) and Nunjucks templating (.njk extension). Renders at build time, includes HTML minification in production builds.
  • CSS: SCSS (or Sass) for stylesheet clarity and reuse. Includes minification in production builds.
  • JS: TypeScript with support for the latest features (ESNext), compiled to ES5.
  • IMAGES and other ASSETS: Automatically copied into and linked from build directory when used in source.
  • DEVELOPMENT: Live browser reload when developing,
  • LINTING: for consistent code style there's support for TypeScript linting via eslint and SCSS linting via Stylelint.

1. Installation

To get started fork, clone or download the repository.

Cloning or downloading

In order to clone this repository, run the command below or use the download button.

git clone

If you intend to push changes to your site to your own repository though, you'll have to update the remote in your clone (which forking already does for you). For further help, see this article.


Forking makes a copy of this repository which is then available as your own repository in your profile. Click the Fork button or see help here.

2. Usage

This project uses Yarn as the package manager. Follow the instructions on the provided link if you haven't installed it before. When done, run yarn install to install all dependencies.

Familiarize yourself with the template by looking at the documentation below and varioud READMEs around the project. When you've looked around feel free to, if need be, start to customize the Webpack configuration, which is available in config/webpack.config.ts.

2.1 Development server

To start the development server (live reload of changes), run yarn dev (or yarn dev --open to open the webpage automatically).

2.2 Production builds

To build a production version of the site, run yarn build. The resulting site will be available in the dist directory.

3. Structure

The project structure is as follows:

 |- pages
 |  > Place your pages here!
 |  > 
 |  > The structure should be: one directory per page 
 |    (directory name == page name), each one containing at least:
 |    - <page name>.html/njk (the HTML of the static page)
 |    - index.ts/js (script entry point for this specific site)
 |  >
 |  > When using the .njk extension, the file will be processed for Nunjucks templating.
 |  >
 |  > You may of course want to add other files here, such as some 
 |    stylesheets (`sample.scss`) and import them. However:
 |  > When wanting to use for example the global stylesheet (from src/styles) in your
      page, you can "import" it in your page's entry script like so:
 |  >     import "../../styles/main.scss"
 |  >
 |  > NOTE: You should not import any stylesheets inside the HTML/NJK file, because the
 |    development live-reload version will break.
 |  >
 |  > See src/pages/ for more info.
 |- assets [optional directory]
 |  > Place your own assets (images, JSON, etc.) in any way you want here!
 |  >
 |  > When you want to use the images for example, simply refer to them from the
 |    HTML file or TypeScript, like so:
 |  >  HTML:  <img src="../../assets/images/someimage.png" alt="Some image.">
 |  >    TS:  import someImage from "../../assets/images/someimage.png"
 |  >
 |  > In the case of HTML the src attribute will be replaced with the correct url of
 |    the image in the final bundle. In the case of TypeScript the someImage variable
 |    you import will actually contain just the path to the final image, which you may
 |    use to dynamically set img.src, etc.
 |- static [optional directory]
 |  > This directory is very similar to the `assets` directory, with one crucial difference:
 |    it is intended for files that aren't referenced in code directly, but must be copied
 |    into the build. The output directory is `dist/assets`.
 |- favicons [optional directory]
 |  > Place your favicons here - pretty much the same concept as the `static` folder, but
 |    this time the output directory is the base `dist` folder.
 |- styles [optional directory]
 |  > Place your global stylesheets here!
 |  >
 |  > Depending on the project, you will likely have some shared page styles, which
 |    can reside here. Each page that wants to use the global styles should link to 
 |    the `main.scss` file (see src/pages/ or the example pages).
 |  > A good starting point is already available, but you may opt to use 
 |    nothing or remove individual parts of the prepared stylesheet template - see below.

3.1 HTML: Nunjucks

Nunjucks is a powerful templating engine built by Mozilla. The syntax is similar to (and inspired by) Python's jinja2. For more on templating using Nunjucks, read Nunjucks' documentation.

If your page files have the .njk extension, webpack will automatically run them through Nunjucks. If you wish to use some templates via e.g. {% extend "base.njk" %}, you may add those templates into the src/templates directory and refrer to them in your pages directly (meaning base.njk, not ../templates/base.njk).

3.2 Stylesheets: SCSS or Sass

SCSS is a stylesheet language that compiles to CSS. This template uses the Dart Sass compiler, which should generally have the latest SCSS features.

Stylesheets are intended to be written in SCSS for easier and cleaner code. You may of course opt to have page-specific stylesheets as in the example (index.scss and sample.scss), but you're also free to have a single main stylesheet in the styles directory. The example pages actually combine these two approaches, but adapt the techniques to your taste. Just make sure that your individual page scripts import the stylesheets you want the page to use (see page examples).

This project includes several small libraries as a starting point:

  • normalize.css for a consistent base across browsers,
  • pure.css as the style foundation,
  • include-media as the SCSS library for @media queries. Reasonable breakpoints were set with help from a bunch of articles and frameworks and packed into the modules/_media.scss module with shorthands for easy work,
  • Bones, a personal set of very common CSS rules compacted into mixins and classes. Short documentation is available in sample.njk/sample.html and the source is available at src/styles/vendor/bones. It is possible you don't need it, in which case just remove it and its associated imports in the main.scss file (these lines). Note that you'll need to re-add the 1rem = 10px unit scaling rule (see below) yourself (just copy it).
  • A variety of basic sizing, animation-related and other mixins to get you started, available in src/scss/modules.
  • rem units scaled to 10px (62.5%, adjusted in src/styles/ventor/bones/_bones.scss).

The larger modules are located in src/styles/vendor and can be easily removed if you do not need them for your project by deleting the relevant directory and removing the import in main.scss.

4. Quirks and known issues

Issues / Pull requests regarding these quirks are most welcome.

  • Sometimes the initial page load after yarn dev --open looks incorrect; simply refresh the page once.
  • (S)CSS must not be imported directly from HTML/Nunjucks files, but from .ts/.js instead. If you break this quirk, the production build will still be fine, however the development builds will break. This seems to be due to the html-loader not being able to change <link> tags into <script> tags for hot-reload in development builds.


A multipage static site generator built with Webpack. Nunjucks + TypeScript ESNext + SCSS.

License:MIT License


Language:SCSS 35.9%Language:Nunjucks 31.9%Language:TypeScript 28.0%Language:JavaScript 4.2%