simonckenyon / dontforget

1 Project: Online TODO list You are required to build a simple online TODO list (see: with a web interface that can be used in all popular web browsers. The application has to support multiple users, store necessary data in a database and be built with Java Servlet technology (use of open-source frameworks is also allowed). 2 Minimal functionality - User can sign in using unique login and password. This can be hardcoded to a default user list – user management functionality is not required. Please create at least one account for user “test” with password “abc123”. - User can view his/her current task list - User can check/uncheck any task on their list - User can add/remove task - All changes should be persistent – when a user signs into the system next time they will see changes made during previous session. - Each “task” contains a text description and date when the entry was created. Both fields should be displayed in the UI. - Since application can be used to by many users, the application should consider performance 3 Your outputs Please supply WAR file and all source code. WAR file will be deployed and tested in Tomcat6.x (Java6). You’re allowed to use any open-source library/framework, but it has to be included into a final WAR file. Please use an open-source in-memory database if needed (e.g. HSQL, H2, SQLite) Please also supply a short (1-2 pages) write up that explains you design choices  Why certain approaches were used, why others were not used  Any design patterns you used  Anything extra you would have done given more time  Anything else you feel I should know

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simonckenyon/dontforget Stargazers