simonachmueller / qhy5-on-breadboard

This repository is a result of analizing the QHY5 astronomical guide camera

Repository from Github https://github.comsimonachmueller/qhy5-on-breadboardRepository from Github https://github.comsimonachmueller/qhy5-on-breadboard

QHY5 on breadboard

This repository is a result of analizing the QHY5 astronomical guide camera

What is this repository about

The goal of this repository is to share my investigations about how to create an equivalent of the well-known QHY5 grayscale astrocamera by just wiring two fairly cheap boards (the MT9M001 adapter board and a the CY7C68013A dev board) together.

Wiring table

Description CY7C68013A board CY7C68013A 56-pin MT9M001 MT9M001 board pin Note
CLKIN CTRL0 + PA3 36 + 43 29 8 Connect CTRL0 and PA3 in parallel
SCL SCL 22 46 3
SDA SDA 23 45 4
PIXCLK -- -- 31 7 Not connected
OE -- -- 13 -- Wired to ground on the board
RESET PA0 40 10 19
STANDBY GND Any GND 7 20 Connect to any GND pin on the controller board
TRIGGER -- -- 8 21 Not connected
HSYNC (LV) -- -- 40 6 Not connected
VSYNC (FW) -- -- 41 5 Not connected
STROBE -- -- 39 22 Not connected
VCC VCC Any VCC Many 1
GND GND Any GND Many 2
DOUT 9 PB7 32 36 9
DOUT 8 PB6 31 35 10
DOUT 7 PB5 30 34 11
DOUT 6 PB4 29 33 12
DOUT 5 PB3 28 32 13
DOUT 4 PB2 27 28 14
DOUT 3 PB1 26 27 15
DOUT 2 PB0 25 26 16
DOUT 1 PD7 3 25 17
DOUT 0 PD6 2 24 18

Hardware / boards

As a camera board I used the "MT9M001 1.3Mp HD CMOS Infrared Camera Module with Adapter board" from Arducam ( I found this board on ebay for about $18.

Controller board I used is a CY7C68013A development board from geeetech (, also here I ordered my board on aliexpress for less than 4 euros, you can found it by searching for "CY7C68013A USB logic analyzer core board". Probably you can found such boards on ebay too.


As a prototype I used dupont wires 15 centimeter long to connect boards together.

Driver and firmware

Developers of QHY5 camera left VID and PID of the controller unchanged, so the USB ID's of the original camera and the development board are the same.
Every time you connect the QHY5 camera to the computer, it checks this ID's and uploads the firmware to the microcontroller's RAM. When you connect the controller board from geeetech computer thinks you connected the QHY5 camera (if you have QHY5 driver installed). I tested my camera clone on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 with INDI server and PHD2 guiding software, both was able to detect camera and take pictures. I have not tested it on Windows yet, but I assume it should work as well.


This repository is a result of analizing the QHY5 astronomical guide camera

License:GNU General Public License v3.0