simjak / ai-api-spec-parser

Make LLMs write API calls that are type-safe and context-safe

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Intervene Parser

Intervene Parser Logo


Introduction | Demo | How to use | Problem | Solution | FAQs


Use LLMs to generate type-safe and context-safe API calls from natural language.

Here's a quick demo:


Here's a sample output:

    "provider": "<API provider name>",
    "method": "<Http Method>",
    "path": "<API endpoint to call>",
    "bodyParams": "<eval'able function to return body params>",
    "queryParams": "<eval'able function to return query params>",
    "pathParams": "<eval'able function to return path params>",
    "requestContentType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
    "responseContentType": "application/json",
    "responseSchema": "<schema of the Response>"


The core principle of the internet revolves around free inter-connectivity. That has stayed true for client-server interactions but server-to-server communications aren't as streamlined.

The reason is simple: human creativity. Every API has its own special headers, weird parameter names and the invisible context (eg. you need to create customer before creating a subscription in stripe).

AI can solve this. But the foundation is not laid yet.


A framework to anchor the AI. Break the problem down into byte sized pieces and let the AI take atomic decisions.

The inspiration is human problem-solving, just like a software engineer:

  • Remembers the objective
  • Searches relevant APIs
  • Reviews API specifications
    • Zooms in on chunks of properties
    • Shortlists properties
    • Goes to the next chunk, repeat
    • Zooms back out with a final shortlist
  • Matches available data with required parameters
    • The same zoom-in and zoom-out happens here as well
  • Writes the API call

Try it!

We have a CLI for you. Please clone the repository

Install dependencies

pnpm i


npm install


You will need to configure the CLI by running the configure command:

pnpm cli configure


npx tsx src/cli/run.ts configure

(You can also alternatively use Environment Variables, see src/utils/config.ts)

Parse Command

Use this command to generate an API call:

pnpm cli parse "[Your natural language query here]" "/path/to/file1.json,/path/to/file2.json"

Additionally, the --context option allows you to provide historical context for the API. Think of it as supplying a collection of variables to be referenced within a statement.

You can look for demo files in /demo

The output generated has JS code by default, you can use the -l flag to switch between [javascript, python, ruby, php]


To learn about the commands in more details, please refer to the help command

pnpm cli help
pnpm cli help parse


This looks cool, but what about prod?

With a few tweaks, you can use this project in your production environment.

If you're interested in a hosted solution, please fill out this quick form, and I will get back to you in no time!

This is expensive!

Indeed, the tool makes numerous LLM calls.

You can use GPT 3.5 (or equivalent) which will make this a lot faster, cheaper but less accurate. You can go this route for simpler API calls that need to extract data from the user prompt. You can use the --trivial flag to do this

However, the code can be optimized to use the less capable models for selective tasks. Open to PRs :)

What about other LLMs?

This project works only with OpenAI models for now. I will be exploring other LLMs as well. Let me know which one you want by opening an issue here or feel free to open a PR!

Umm I don't like JavaScript. What about python?

Before porting it to Python or Golang (or both), I want to determine if there are any real-world use cases for this technology. Please try out the CLI, share your thoughts, and I will promptly port it to other languages based on the feedback.

I chose to start with a statically typed language due to the nature of the project. I could have used Golang, but I aimed for simplicity, hence the choice of TypeScript.

I want to contribute

Awesome! PRs and issues are welcome!


Credits to LangChain and LlamaIndex for the inspiration for some of the techniques used in the project.

Special credits to @rohanmayya for helping lay the foundation for this project.


Make LLMs write API calls that are type-safe and context-safe

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 98.6%Language:JavaScript 1.4%