simeydotme / donutty

Create SVG donut charts with JavaScript (or jQuery)

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donutty 🍩📉

Simple (but powerful) SVG donut charts with JavaScript (or jQuery)

Example of almost-default configuration
see a bunch of code examples on CodePen or play on the playground


in your terminal, use one of the following;

yarn add donutty
npm install donutty
bower install donutty


Once you have the package installed in your node_modules/ folder by following the installation above then you may include the ./dist/ file of choice:

  • donutty.min.js
  • donutty-jquery.min.js


You may include the javascript directly in to your html files by using a direct <script> tag;

<script src="/node_modules/donutty/dist/donutty.min.js"></script>

This method is not really ideal for a modern web application, though.


A better way to include donutty is to add it to your vendor bundle, this can be done many ways with tools such as gulp or webpack. In those scenarios you might want to use the dist/donutty.js file as the entry point.


There's a couple of ways to configure donutty depending on how you prefer:

  1. html data attributes
    This way uses data attributes in the DOM (html) to configure the options of donutty
<!-- this will create a donut chart with a mininum value
    of -50, maximum of 50 and a set value of 33 -->

<div id="donut" data-donutty data-min=-50 data-max=50 data-value=33>
  1. js initialisation
    This method uses a javascript accessor to initialise and configure donutty's options
// this will create a donut chart on #donut with a minimum value
// of -50, maximum of 50 and a set value of 11

// jquery
var donut = $("#donut").donutty({ min: -50, max: 50, value: 11 });

// or vanilla
var donut = new Donutty( document.getElementById( "donut" ), { min: -50, max: 50, value: 11 });


option type default description
min Number 0 the minimum value the donut can be
max Number 100 the maximum value of the donut
value Number 50 the actual value of the donut
round Boolean true if the edges of the donut are rounded or not
circle Boolean true does the donut create a complete circle or not
radius Number 50 the radius of the donut (size, essentially, but can be made auto with css)
thickness Number 10 how thick the actual donut track is
padding Number 4 padding between the background (track) and the donut
bg String "rgba(70, 130, 180, 0.15)" the color of the background (track)
color String "mediumslateblue" color of the actual donut
transition String ¹ see below the animation which runs on the donut
dir String "" a String that can accept "rtl" for right-to-left modes ² see below
anchor String "bottom" a String that can accept "top" or "bottom" and decides whether the donut starts at the top or the bottom
text Function false ³ see below a function for returning a text/html String
title Function/String false ⁴ see below a function for returning a title String
desc Function/String false ⁴ see below a function for returning a description String
1 default transition

"all 1.2s cubic-bezier(0.57, 0.13, 0.18, 0.98)"
Check out all the options on CodePen

2 rtl mode

Donutty will first check the dir option passed in to itself. If it fails to find that option, the next thing it will do is look for the html attribute dir="rtl" on the donut container (element passed in as first parameter). And finally if no "rtl" is found it will check the <html> root element for <html dir="rtl">. If any are found, the donut will fill in the opposite direction.

3 text function

You may pass a Function to the text option which returns a valid String. this will append a html string which can be used to visualise the value:

        text: function( state ) {
            return ( state.value / ( state.max - state.min ) * 100 ) + "%";
            // return the percentage of the donut
4 accessibility

A default string for <title> and <desc> will be added to the <svg> element. The values of these strings can be modified either as a static String or as a Function which returns a String. The Function will have a ( state ) argument available with the value, min and max.

        title: function( state ) {
            return "Donut Chart Graphic";
            // return the title of the graphic
        desc: function( state ) {
            return "A donut chart ranging from " + state.min + " to " + 
              state.max + " with a current value of " + state.value + ".";
            // return the description of the graphic


There are some methods available for updating/changing values on the donut chart after it has been created. These are accessible by creating a reference to the chart in javascript.

// first create the donut chart
var elem = document.getElementById( "donut" );
var chart = new Donutty( elem, { max: 500, value: 100 });

// then lets modify the values
chart.set( "value", 300 ).set( "min", 100 ).set( "max", 300 ).set( "bg", "aquamarine" ).set( "color", "slategrey" );

// or;
chart.setState({ min: 100, max: 300, value: 300, color: "", bg: "aquamarine", color: "slategrey" )
method arguments arg types description
set property, value String, Number Set a property's value (min, max, value)
setState newState Object Set the values for multiple properties (min, max, value, bg, color)


As donutty will be responsive and grow to the width of the container, it may be necessary to add overflow: hidden; to the [data-donutty] wrapper element so that it doesn't overflow the page due to transform-rotation.


  • Please feel free to raise bugs/issues if found, and submit pull-requests. 😊
  • For additional features; please open a discussion before submitting a pull-request.
  • Follow the formatting as described in the config files.


Create SVG donut charts with JavaScript (or jQuery)


Language:JavaScript 73.5%Language:HTML 22.9%Language:CSS 3.6%