silefort / dotfiles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This setup is used to store, sync and share my dotfiles across my different machines



  • fzf
  • exa

How To

First Installation on a new computer

alias dotfiles='git --work-tree=$HOME --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/'
git clone --bare $HOME/.dotfiles
dotfiles checkout

Update your dotfiles

Add a new file

The .gitignore file contains a *, this means that it ignores everything unless explicitely added

dotfiles add -f <mynewfile>

Push a new change

dotfiles add <mynewfile>
dotfiles commit
dotfiles push # You may need to add -u origin main the first time you push

Pratice Journal

Here are the things I am/want/should work on to improve my workflow:

Current goals

  • Declutter my dotfiles, and starting them again from scratch

Annoyed with

  • Not remembering why I added this snippet of code in one of my dotfiles
  • Adding things that I never use in my dotfiles


Experimenting with (things that are not integrated into my workflow but I am practicing to know if I should integrate them)

  • Using git commits to document my choices and why I added/removed something from my dotfiles and why
  • Using git st and git ci aliases
  • Using ctrl +x +e to edit a bash command line in vim


  • Use Vim Plug instead of Pathogen as my Vim Plugin manager
  • command! Config execute ":e $MYVIMRC"
  • command! Reload execute "source ~/.vimrc"
  • command! Filename execute ":echo expand('%:p')" # Don't seems to be really useful
  • Create a vn alias like "vim new" to try my new vim setup
  • Use fzf + Rg and Blines (
  • Lazygit
  • Use the vi settings in my shell
  • test the fish shell
  • test vifm



Language:Shell 100.0%