This project involves the testing of the Customers Module on the nopCommerce Demo Platform using the Pytest FrameWork
- Page Object Model
- HTML Reports
- Data Driven Testing
- Automation logs
- Multiple Browsers Support
- Parallel Testing
- Login into the nopCommerce demo site:
- Add New Customer
- Search For Customer
- Search for Customer by Name
- Search for Customer by ID
- Export Customers
- Export All Customers
- Export Selected Customers
- Login via test Data in xlsx file
- Python
- Pytest
- pytest-html
- pytest-xdist
- Openpyxl
- Allure-pytest
To install the required libraries for distributed testing, run the following command in your terminal:
pip install -U pytest
pip install pytest-html
pip install pytest-xdist
pip install openpyxl
pip install allure-pytest
Test Execution commands can be found in the run.bat file located in this respository
- Chrome (--browser chrome)
- Edge (--browser edge)
- Firefox (--browser firefox)
pytest -s -v -m "sanity" --html=./Reports/report.html testCases/ --browser chrome
This will run test on Chrome Browser
N/B: If no browser is specified test will be executed on chrome