sigurdga / ls-colors-solarized

A minimal fork of (not possible to fork a fork, when I already had forked the original)

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Solarized dircolors / ls colors (for 256 color terminals)

This is a minimal fork of Sebastian Tramp's seebi/solarized/ls-colors-solarized


This dircolors database file uses solarized colors instead of the given terminal emulator palette. To use it, run this

eval `dircolors /path/to/dircolorsdb`

Typically, this file is copied or linked to ~/.dir_colors.

To be able to use it, you need a 256 color terminal (e.g. gnome-terminal or urxvt) and a correct TERM variable, e.g.:

export TERM=xterm-256color  # for common 256 color terminals
export TERM=screen-256color # for a tmux -2 session

Features / Properties

  • solarized :-)
  • comment style for backup and log files
  • highlighted style for files of special interest (.tex, .pdf, ...)
  • bold hierarchies:
    • archive = violet, compressed archive = violet + bold
    • audio = orange, video = orange + bold
  • special files (block devices, pipes, ...) are inverted using the solarized light pallette for the background


Here are two screenshots of common and not so common use-cases. They are captured from a gnome-terminal using the dz-version of the awesome Inconsolata font.

Common colors in action

Executables, archives, audio/video stuff, dead links common use-cases

Use-Case: Latex directory

tex-trash is in comment style and pdf+tex are main files of interest and highlighted. common use-cases

All colors in action

uncommon stuff like pipes and block devices ... not so common use-cases


A minimal fork of (not possible to fork a fork, when I already had forked the original)