sigreen / install-kong-gw-amz-linux2

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Installing Kong Gateway on Amazon Linux 2 with Terraform

This example stands up a simple Amazon Linux 2 instance, then provides a procedure to manually install postgres and Kong Gateway Enterprise


  1. AWS Credentials (Access Key ID and Secret Access Key)
  2. AWS Key Pair for SSH
  3. Terraform CLI


  1. Via the CLI, login to AWS using aws configure.
  2. Open tf/ and update the key_name to match your AWS keypair (SSH)
  3. In the same file, update the Tags/Name to something unique that identifies you.
  4. Via the CLI, run the following Terraform commands to standup Amazon Linux 2:
terraform init
terraform apply
  1. Once terraform has stoodup the instance, SSH via the shell using the public_ip output:
ssh -i /path/to/<SSH keypair>.pem ec2-user@<public_ip>
  1. Via the ec2 shell, execute the following to install postgres (instructions taken from here:
sudo yum -y update
sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/pgdg.repo<<EOF
name=PostgreSQL 12 for RHEL/CentOS 7 - x86_64
sudo yum makecache
sudo yum install postgresql12 postgresql12-server
sudo /usr/pgsql-12/bin/postgresql-12-setup initdb
sudo systemctl enable --now postgresql-12
sudo su - postgres
psql -c "alter user postgres with password 'kong'"
  1. Update postgres to accept local MD5 connections, by update the /var/lib/pgsql/12/data/pg_hba.conf file:
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               md5
  1. Restart postgres to apply the changes (instructions are taken from here):
sudo su - postgres
/usr/pgsql-12/bin/pg_ctl reload
  1. As per the standard Kong gateway installation instructions, create a kong username and password in postgres:
sudo su - postgres
psql -c "CREATE USER kong;"
psql -c "CREATE DATABASE kong OWNER kong;"
psql -c "ALTER USER kong WITH PASSWORD 'kong';"
  1. Via the regular shell, install Kong:
curl -Lo kong-enterprise-edition- ""
sudo yum install kong-enterprise-edition-
  1. scp over the kong/kong.conf file to EC2 and update the admin_gui_url value to match your public_ip:
admin_gui_url =http://public_ip:8002       # Kong Manager URL
  1. As per the Kong gateway instructions, setup the Kong database and start the gateway:
scp -i /path/to/<SSH keypair>.pem kong/kong.conf ec2-user@<public_ip>:~/kong.conf
sudo mv kong.conf /etc/kong/
export KONG_PASSWORD="kong"
sudo /usr/local/bin/kong migrations bootstrap -c /etc/kong/kong.conf
sudo /usr/local/bin/kong start -c /etc/kong/kong.conf
  1. Test the admin API locally on ec2 using curl:
curl -i -X GET --url http://localhost:8001/services
  1. Test the Management GUI via the browser: http://<public_ip>:8002/overview

  2. Via the CLI, apply your Enterprise license:

curl -i -X POST http://<hostname>:8001/licenses \
  -d payload='{"license":{"payload":{"admin_seats":"1","customer":"Example Company, Inc","dataplanes":"1","license_creation_date":"2017-07-20","license_expiration_date":"2017-07-20","license_key":"00141000017ODj3AAG_a1V41000004wT0OEAU","product_subscription":"Konnect Enterprise","support_plan":"None"},"signature":"6985968131533a967fcc721244a979948b1066967f1e9cd65dbd8eeabe060fc32d894a2945f5e4a03c1cd2198c74e058ac63d28b045c2f1fcec95877bd790e1b","version":"1"}}'
  1. Enable the DevPortal by updating portal_gui_host in /etc/kong/kong.conf:
portal = on
portal_gui_listen =, ssl
portal_gui_host =
  1. Restart kong:
sudo /usr/local/bin/kong restart -c /etc/kong/kong.conf

The following links were useful during this installation:



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