sienmonika / text_mining_hillary_emails

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is part of my Master Thesis at SGH.

It contains text mining analysis of e-mails of Hillary Clinton (data source: Kaggle). During the US presidential election, the Democratic Party nominated Hillary Clinton. While she was the Secretary of State under Barack Obama, she used a personal email server. During her candidacy for president, the opposition party launched an investigation into whether classified information was not properly secured, which constitutes a crime. As part of the government investigation, thousands of emails were released to the public.

Analysis with use of R and SQL - I learnt about relevant analysis and packages from scratch. Most helpful resources were:

  • Text Mining with R. A Tidy Approach. by Julia Silge and David Robinson
  • Text Mining in Practice with R. by Ted Kwartler
  • Kaggle kernels.

Libraries used:

  • Main analysis based on tidy data principles:


  • Data base requests:


  • Organising text, data:

library(tidytext), library(dplyr), library(stringr), library(tidyr), library(reshape2)

  • Sentiment analysis:

library(tidytext), library(countrycode), library(qdapDictionaries)

  • Topic modelling:

library(tidytext), library(topicmodels), library(ldatuning), library(LDAvis), library(servr)

  • Graphs analysis:

library(igraph), library(ggraph)

  • Vizualizations:

library(ggplot2), library(wordcloud), library(colorRamps), library(LDAvis), library(servr), library(ggraph)

Data base: Licence: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)