sidd5449 / lms

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Educater is a Learning Management System (LMS) that I created using ReactJS and Sanity CMS. The LMS will allow the instructor to generate courses, upload study material and accpet submissions from the students, whereas the students will be able to access all the courses assigned to them, bookmark them if necessary, and get a quick overview of notices and submissions on their dashboard. The entire backend of the project is managed by Sanity CMS, where all the data is stored. API calls using sanity client are used to access the data as well as modify it using user input. Here are some preview pics of the student dashboard. The project is still under development.

Screenshot (332)

Screenshot (334)

Some of the important react modules used are as follows:

  1. @sanity/cli
  2. react-router-dom
  3. axios
  4. react-icons



Language:JavaScript 68.7%Language:SCSS 27.5%Language:CSS 2.5%Language:HTML 1.3%