sibelius / react-native-relay-example

React Native with Relay Classic example

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Use this one instead ReactNavigationRelayModern

React Native + Relay

This is a sample repository that shows how to integrate React Native with Relay

It is connecting to this boilerplate code graphql-dataloader-boilerplate


  • data folder contains schema(.json/.graphql) of your backend graphql server, it will be used by Relay to compile your Relay.QL queries to code.
  • plugins folder has babelRelayPlugin configuration, that tells to Relay with schema.json it should use to compile Relay.QL queries

.babelrc for Relay

    "presets": [
    "plugins": [


It is a custom Relay.Store that enables you to change your Network Layer. For instance, when you want to set the user token.

  • Usage:
  new Relay.DefaultNetworkLayer('http://localhost:5000/graphql')


Based on by @janicduplessis Provides a very handy function to create a Relay.Renderer container to fetch data from Relay

  • Usage:
import { createRenderer } from './RelayUtils'
export default createRenderer(RelayApp, {
  queries: ViewerQuery,
  fragments: {
    viewer: () => Relay.QL`
      fragment on Viewer {
        users(first: 10) {
          edges {
            node {


React Native with Relay Classic example


Language:JavaScript 54.7%Language:Objective-C 27.3%Language:Python 10.2%Language:Java 7.8%