siandreev / messenger-server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Node js implementation of the server side for the messenger.

The server works according to the following scheme: if the client has a JWT (json web token) with authorization data, then he can connect via the web socket protocol along the path "/". To receive this token, the user must log in: send a post-request to "/login", for example:

fetch('/login', {
                method: 'POST',
                headers: {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
                body: JSON.stringify({
                    user: {
                        email: "",
                        password: "password",
            }).then(result => result.text()).then(mes => console.log(mes));

Or register: send post-request to "/signup":

fetch('/signup', {
                method: 'POST',
                headers: {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
                body: JSON.stringify({
                    user: {
                        tag: "@tag",
                        firstName: "Name",
                        lastName: "Surname",
                        email: "",
                        password: "password",
            }).then(result => result.text()).then(mes => console.log(mes));

After that, you can connect using the websocket protocol, for example:

//create socket
const host =  "localhost:8000";
window.socket = new WebSocket(`ws://${host}/api`);

socket.onmessage = function(event) {
    console.log(`[message] Data from server: ${}`);

socket.onclose = function(event) {
    if (event.wasClean) {
        console.log(`[close] Connection closed clearly, code=${event.code} cause=${event.reason}`);
    } else {
        console.log('[close] Connection interrupted');

//send message
socket.send('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "getSelfInfo", "id": "1"}');


  • Creation and saving in the database users based on tag (starts with "@"), first name, last name, email, password (The password is hashed with argon2).
  • Authorization and saving JWT in cookies.
  • Connecting clients who received a JWT via websockets.
  • Execution of methods for working with messages and dialogs via json-rpc 2.0 (for example sending a message, getting a contact list, etc.).
  • Notifying online customers (that is, customers with an open web socket) about new messages, users logging into the network from the contact list and changing their personal data.

Setting up and running

Download app using git clone First, configure your application in config.json file and place it in the server root. The file should be in the following format:

  "JWT": {
    "expiresIn": "72h",
    "privateKey": "secret_private_key"
  "cookie": {
    "maxAge": "72h"
  "webSocket": {
    "host": ""
  "app": {
    "port": 8000
  "client": {
    "url": "http://localhost:3000"

Next, install the necessary modules using yarn install and start the server using yarn start.


After starting the server in the console, you will see a link to the demo version of the client for testing the api. Follow the link and follow the instructions on the page.


The server uses json-rpc 2.0 api (Batch requests are not supported yet). After you have authored (there was a cookie "auth" with a JWT), you can use the following methods:

setSelfInfo(firstName, lastName)
sendMessageToUser(receiverTag, text)
getDialogsList(startIndex = 0, endIndex = 30)
getMessagesWithUser(receiverTag, startIndex = 0, endIndex = 100)

Requests examples:

--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "getSelfInfo", "id": "1"}
<-- {"jsonrpc":2,"result":{"_id":"5f7b106bbed28f24c084c440","tag":"@siandreev","firstName":"Sergey","lastName":"Andreev","img":"5a3e87d927b652c3428c2c5bec133e08.png"},"id":"1"}

--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "setSelfInfo", "params":["", "Ivanov"], "id": "1"}
<-- {"jsonrpc":2,"result":{"_id":"5f7b106bbed28f24c084c440","tag":"@siandreev","firstName":"Sergey","lastName":"Ivanov"},"id":"1"}

--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "setSelfInfo", "params":["123", "Ivanov"], "id": "1"}
<-- {"jsonrpc":2,"error":{"code":-32602,"message":"Invalid params"},"id":"1"}

--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "sendMessageToUser", "params": ["@admin", "hi, admin"], "id": "1"}
<-- {"jsonrpc":2,"result":{"status":"OK","message":{"senderTag":"@siandreev","receiverTag":"@admin","text":"hi, admin","date":1602158818458}},"id":"1"}

--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "markMessagesWithUserAsRead", "params": ["@admin"], "id": "1"}
<-- {"jsonrpc":2,"result":{"status":"OK"},"id":"1"}

--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "findUsersByTag", "params": ["@s"], "id": "1"}
<-- {"jsonrpc":2,"result":[

--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "findUsersByTag", "params": ["SIa"], "id": "1"}
<-- {"jsonrpc":2,"result":[

--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "getDialogsList", "id": "1"}
<-- {"jsonrpc": 2,
      "result": [
          "_id": "5f96a492dd5440127c12b414",
          "senderTag": "@siandreev",
          "receiverTag": "@test",
          "date": "2020-10-26T13:05:37.971Z",
          "text": "!",
          "unreadCount": 0,
          "userInfo": {
            "_id": "5f96a44bdd5440127c12b413",
            "tag": "@test",
            "firstName": "Test",
            "lastName": "Test",
            "img": "3f62cf13043c9f7fc2f2d42b0b89f606.jpg",
            "isOnline": false
          "_id": "5f95bd6b922a3416d0c30237",
          "senderTag": "@siandreev",
          "receiverTag": "@ostrenkotai",
          "date": "2020-10-26T13:00:53.430Z",
          "text": "😍",
          "unreadCount": 1,
          "userInfo": {
            "_id": "5f95bd40922a3416d0c30236",
            "tag": "@ostrenkotai",
            "firstName": "Taisia",
            "lastName": "Ostrenko",
            "img": "9ecaa2409902345f0b7fee1b6f7ae05d.jpg",
            "isOnline": false
          "_id": "5f7de964b142be0494b3faf6",
          "senderTag": "@moderator",
          "receiverTag": "@siandreev",
          "date": "2020-10-25T20:45:04.590Z",
          "text": "Как дела?",
          "unreadCount": 0,
          "userInfo": {
            "_id": "5f7b5d9f73da78315cfc3624",
            "tag": "@moderator",
            "firstName": "Sergey",
            "lastName": "Mobile",
            "img": "22ced17270827386bc5577baf3def745.jpg",
            "isOnline": false
          "_id": "5f7e0e9a7fc1d90f68d4509e",
          "senderTag": "@ostrenkota",
          "receiverTag": "@siandreev",
          "date": "2020-10-25T17:42:26.097Z",
          "text": "hi",
          "unreadCount": 0,
          "userInfo": {
            "_id": "5f7df3f7abc9f526c0a57339",
            "tag": "@ostrenkota",
            "firstName": "Taya",
            "lastName": "Ostrenko",
            "img": "63dd709a8e83ec2b2106b2a8bcc79d19.png",
            "isOnline": false

--> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "getMessagesWithUser", "params": ["@test"], "id": "1"}
<-- {
      "jsonrpc": 2,
      "result": [
          "_id": "5f96c9a1251b99104cd693e5",
          "senderTag": "@siandreev",
          "receiverTag": "@test",
          "text": "!",
          "date": "2020-10-26T13:05:37.971Z",
          "isRead": true
          "_id": "5f96c980251b99104cd693e4",
          "senderTag": "@test",
          "receiverTag": "@siandreev",
          "text": "😋",
          "date": "2020-10-26T13:05:04.708Z",
          "isRead": true
          "_id": "5f96c85c251b99104cd693e2",
          "senderTag": "@test",
          "receiverTag": "@siandreev",
          "text": "Qw",
          "date": "2020-10-26T13:00:12.881Z",
          "isRead": true
          "_id": "5f96c85c251b99104cd693e1",
          "senderTag": "@test",
          "receiverTag": "@siandreev",
          "text": "Qw",
          "date": "2020-10-26T13:00:12.740Z",
          "isRead": true
          "_id": "5f96c838251b99104cd693e0",
          "senderTag": "@siandreev",
          "receiverTag": "@test",
          "text": "1",
          "date": "2020-10-26T12:59:36.754Z",
          "isRead": true


Notifications are received if a new message is received, a user from the contact list has logged out or logged in, or he has changed his personal data.

Notification format:


The following types and codes are supported:

  • code: 3001, type: newMessage, meaning: a new message was received;
  • code: 3101, type: contactOnline, meaning: user logged in;
  • code: 3100, type: contactOffline, meaning: user logged out;
  • code: 3200, type: contactPersonalDataChanges, meaning: user has changed his personal data;
  • code: 3300, type: messageWasRead, notifies that the user has read your messages;

Examples of notifications:

<-- {"type":"contactOnline","code":3101,"body":{"loggedInUserTag":"@admin"}}
<-- {"type":"contactPersonalDataChanges","code":3200,"body":{"tag":"@admin","firstName":"Administrator", "img":"1cd301394749c914408e2d959eebf431.png"}}
<-- {"type":"newMessage","code":3001,"body":{"senderTag":"@admin","receiverTag":"@siandreev","text":"What a nice weather today isn't it?","date":1602160273082}}
<-- {"type":"contactOffline","code":3100,"body":{"loggedOutUserTag":"@admin"}}
<-- {"type":"messageWasRead","code":3300,"body":{"receiverTag":"@admin"}}


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 87.4%Language:HTML 12.6%