shunchiang / sampleMarketplaceBE

marketplace backend refactor in Java

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Marketplace Database Layout Link to Db Diagram


Method Endpoint Description Required Data
POST /users/register Creates a new user account username, password, email, firstname, lastname -- All Strings
POST /login Logs in to account and fetches token username, password -- both Strings
GET /users Returns a list of all Users
GET /users/:userid Returns an individual User object when searched by userid
GET /username/:username Returns an individual User object when searched by username
PUT /changeuser/:userid Updates/Changes an entire User username, password, email, firstname, lastname -- All Strings
PUT /users/:userid Changes a specific field in User object Whichever single String of username, password, email, firstname, or lastname needed
DELETE /users/:userid Delete User based on userid


Method Endpoint Description Required Data
POST /todos/u/:userid/t/:title Creates a new Todo List category for a specific User
GET /todos Returns all Todo Lists and their associated Items
GET /todos/:todoid Returns a specific Todo List by todoid and it's own associated Items
PUT /todos/:todoid/t/:title Updates/Changes the title of an existing Todo List
DELETE /todos/:todoid Deletes a Todo List and it's associated Ite ms

Items CRUD

Method Endpoint Description Required Data
POST /items/t/:todoid Creates a new Item for a specific Todo List name, description, date, frequency -- All Strings. Note: the date String must be in the format "yyyy-MM-dd" and it does not get saved, but instead coverts into the LocalDate object: duedate
GET /items Returns a list of all Items
GET /items/:itemid Returns information for a specific Item based on itemid
PUT /changeitem/:itemid Updates/changes an entire Item name, description, date, frequency -- All Strings. See note above about String date.
PUT /items/:itemid Updates a single field in an existing Item One of name, description, date -- All Strings. See note above about String date.
DELETE items/:itemid Deletes an Item


marketplace backend refactor in Java


Language:Java 100.0%