Pac-Man Demo App for Kubernetes
Build the image locally once, to check everything is working fine
Once inside the build environment, you can use
npm install
to update/install newer versions of the Node.js packages used by the app.
If you don't see any error, you should proceed with starting the development environment
You should be inside one container, on the same network as a running MongoDB database server.
npm run dev
You should see your Node.js server logs, keep the server running.
Open a new browser windows, navigate to http://localhost:8000/
, you should see the Pac-Man game.
The Dockerfile performs the following steps:
- It is based on the latest Node.js.
- It then ADD the Pac-Man game into the configured application directory.
- Exposes port 8080 for the web server.
- Starts the Node.js application using
npm start
To build the image in preparation for hosting it to your own repo, run:
docker build -t <registry>/<user>/pacman .
You can test the image by running:
docker run -p 8000:8080 <registry>/<user>/pacman
Note: You will need a working MongoDB backend. Look at [scripts/] to understand how you can setup a local one on your machine using an insecure password, for development purposes only.
Once you're satisfied you can push the image to your container registry.
docker push <registry>/<user>/pacman
Explore charts/pacman to understand how the chart is built. To host your own, you will need to setup a Helm Repository