shudianzhao / ADMM-GP

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This package is written based on the following papers:

Angelika Wiegele, Shudian Zhao: SDP-based bounds for graph partition via extended ADMM in arXiv at

Folders summary

  • rand_data: benchmark instances used in numerical experiments;
  • extended ADMM: codes for extended ADMM and post processing methods;
  • form_model: codes to form SDP problems;
  • heuristics: codes to build upper bounds for graph paritioning problems.

Generate graphs via Rudy in terminal:

source ./

Matlab functions:

  • Form SDP problems

    kequi_form.m : form k-equipartition SDP relaxation

    make_GPKC.m : form GPKC SDP relaxation

  • Extended ADMM aadmm_3b.m : extended ADMM for 3 blocks with adaptive method.

mprw_ineq_general.m : extended ADMM for SDP with inequalities and nonnegative constraints.

  • Post-processing methods

post_proc_2.m: the post-processing method for aadmm_3b.m outputs.

post_proc_3.m: the post-processing nethod for mprw_ineq_general.m outputs.

  • Heuristics

kequi_local.m: 2-opt method for k-equipartition.

kequi_rounding.m: Vector-clustering for k-equipartition.

kequi_random.m: Hyperplane rounding method for k-equipartition.

GPKC_local.m: 2-opt method for GPKC.

GPKC_rounding_flex_rand.m: Vertices-clustering for GPKC.

Example script:

  • k-equipartition

    1. Form the input data (A,b,C) for extended ADMM with the adjacency matrix Ac and the partition number k
    % matlab code
    % Form the SDP relaxation 
    % <C,X> s.t. A(X) =b, X >= 0, X is postive semidefinite.
    [A,b,C] = kequi_form(Ac,k);
    1. Call the extended ADMM fucntion to solve the SDP relaxation with nonnegative constraints
    % maximum number of iteration is 100000
    % X1 is the primal solution, (y1,Z1,S1) is the dual solution
    [ X1, y1, Z1,S1] =  aadmm_3b(A, b, C,10000);
    1. Get the safe lower bound
    % tuning dual variable y and S to get a feasible solution for the dual SDP problem
    % ynew is the new y variable, LB is the safe lower bound
     [ynew1,LB1] = post_proc_2(Z1, A', C,b, S1);
    1. Add violated triangle inequalities
    • Find violated triangle indices and form the corresponding inequalties
    % initialize hash,f
    hash =[];
    f = []
    % max_ineq is the maximum number of violated triangle inequalties
    max_ineq = 100;
    [f0, T, hash,gamma,brk]=separation_kequi(X,f,T,hash,max_ineq);
    % form data for SDP with inqualtieis 
    L = zeros(n1,n1);
    U = Inf*ones(n1,n1);
    • Solve the new SDP relaxation with inequalities with extended ADMM and get the safe lower bound
    %intialize sigma
    sigma= 0.1;
    % tolarence for infeasibility
    tol_err = 1e-5;
    % initalize X, Z with preivious ADMM results X1, Z1
    [ X2, y2,y2_bar, Z2,S2,s2,v2] = mprw_ineq_general(A, B, b, C ,f,L,U,10000,sigma,tol_err,X1,Z1);
    [ynew2,LB2] = post_proc_3(Z2,A',B',C,b,f,S2); 
    1. Build upper bounds from the SDP solution by heuristics
    • Vector clustering method for the solution of DNN relaxtion
    % rndseed: random seed
     [part1, newX1,ub1,partcell1] = kequi_rounding(rndseed,X1,k,C);
    • Hyperplane rounding method
    % rndseed: random seed
    [part1, newX1,ub1,partcell1] = kequi_random(rndseed,X1,k,C);
    • 2-opt method on output from vector clustering method/ hyperplane rounding method
      [partcell1_1,part1_1,newX1_1,ub1_1]= kequi_local(L,k,partcell1,part1,newX1,ub1);
    • GPKC
    1. Form the GPKC problem with adjacency matrix Ac, vertex weights a and capacity weight W
    2. Solve the SDP relaxation with nonnegative constraints
    n1 = size(Ac,1);
    L = zeros(n1,n1);
    U = Inf*ones(n1,n1);
    [ X1 y1, y1_bar, Z1,S1,s1,v1] = mprw_ineq_general(A, B, b, C ,f,L,U,10000);
    1. Get the safe lower bound
      [ynew1,LB1] = post_proc_3(Z1,A',B', C,b,f, S1); 
    1. Build upper bounds from the SDP solution
    • vector clustering method
    [part1, newX1,ub1,partcell1] = GPKC_rounding_flex_rand(rnd_seed,X1,C,W,a);
    • 2-opt method
    [partcell1_1,part1_1,newX1_1,ub1_1]= GPKC_local(Ac,W0,a,partcell1,part1,newX1,ub1);




Language:MATLAB 80.5%Language:C 17.9%Language:Shell 1.6%