shubhamji88 / Virus-Vs-WBC

To educate children about why the vaccine is important with the perspective of white blood cells and to motivate them to get vaccinated.

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VaccY : Game to create awareness about CoVID’19 vaccine among children

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-16 at 5 53 45 PM

Which is the next big challenge coming in?

It's surely how children will be vaccinated for CoVID’19 so to create awareness among children about why the vaccine is important and to motivate them in an innovative way we have built this game. This case study cum document explains our process and research for the same. We have worked on this project during a hackathon.

Goal of the Project:

To educate children about why the vaccine is important with the perspective of white blood cells and to motivate them to get vaccinated.


During the first 2 phases of vaccination, It has been noticed that many people are not getting vaccinated and are encouraging others as well to not to take it. We tried to understand the reason behind it so we did some research. WhatsApp Image 2021-08-16 at 6 41 08 PM WhatsApp Image 2021-08-16 at 6 41 15 PM

After The above two poles we found there are 2 main reasons of not taking Vaccines:

  1. Fake Rumours ( Not knowing how actually Vaccine works)
  2. Lack of awareness and faith So to counter these 2 issues for the phase 3 i.e. for the children, We came up with a solution to build a game known as VaccY( Vaccine + Why) who is a fictional character representing White Blood Cells of our body.

Reason: Why did we choose to build a game specifically?

  • We again did a poll to understand what could be a better way to actually create awareness among children and we got to know almost 22 out of 30 people think Games could be a good option WhatsApp Image 2021-08-16 at 6 41 24 PM
  • After some research we also came to know that there is also a mental pressure in children’s minds to get injections and almost 86% of the people think it's an issue. So to subconsciously change the perspective and lighten things we decided game could be a good option. WhatsApp Image 2021-08-16 at 6 41 33 PM

Let’s see more about the game

So we divided the Game into 3 Levels.

Level 1: Non Vaccinated WBC Character, VaccY

In this level, VaccY doesn't have the power to differentiate between infected people and non infected people. Which ultimately explains why WBC in this level is weak and to fight with the COVID’19 virus it needs to get the vaccine dose which is at the finish point of the LEVEL 1 so that it can fight with the right people/virus.


To reach the end point and get your first vaccine dose.


On your way to the vaccine many people will come but as you have not received any dose yet so it would be impossible for you to differentiate between the infected and non infected people.

Game will be over:

If you touch an infected person or kill a non infected person.

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-16 at 5 23 00 PM

Level 2: After First Vaccine Dose

In this level, Vaccy is vaccinated with the First Dose so now Vaccy (WBC) has the super power of identifying the already infected person(Hint: Notice the Cough) which basically implies Now WBCs are a bit strong and they can differentiate & fight with the virus. But if the Virus content is a lot then WBC will get confused and will not be able to differentiate between the good and bad so NEED 1 MORE DOSE.


To reach the end point and get your final dose


Non-infected people will also start getting infected after getting in contact with the cough droplets from infected people.

Game will be over:

If you touch an infected person Or kill a non infected person. Don’t kill the non infected person

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-16 at 5 27 09 PM

Level 3: After Full Vaccination

In this level, Vaccy is fully vaccinated and Strongest than ever but this time everyone around Vaccy has already been infected. But now Vaccy has the power to fight with all of them but still if comes in contact with Infected person then life will be affected but the loss will be lesser than the other level. We wanted to tell people that masks and sanitisers are important even after the full vaccination.


To successfully reach the end of the pandemic and Win the GAME.


Everyone around you will be infected so save yourself from them and reach the final point.

Game will be over:

If you touch an infected person Or kill a non infected person. Don’t kill the non infected person

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-16 at 5 34 13 PM

Thank You!!


To educate children about why the vaccine is important with the perspective of white blood cells and to motivate them to get vaccinated.


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