shubh3794 / Hackerearth-Veritran

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

###Front end configuration after pulling the repository, make sure you have bower and npm installed globally, if not then here are the commands : Installation Instructions for Linux Distributions : / Remove all older packages of node / dpkg --get-selections | grep node sudo apt-get remove --purge node sudo apt-get remove --purge nodejs / Now install / sudo apt-get install nodejs sudo apt-get install npm sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node / Getting started with frontend project / Make your virtualenvironment mkvirtualenv biteapp workon biteapp now in your project's base directory(the path where you see run the following command bower install this will install all the dependencies in the static folder as the path is set in .bowerrc in the base directory / To run the project / Make sure you have all the requirements in the requirements.txt satisfied then while your terminal is in base dir and virtualenv activated run the following command python runserver / Small note / While consuming rest api's on the frontend, you will often see outdated data or nothing at all at this point because we haven not migrated db tables or migrations So you will have to use sql dump that will be provided by any backend guy, import that dump into your sql and finally run python makemigrations python migrate ##backend configuration After pulling the repository, make sure you have the DB created in mysql with same name that is specified in the file. Grant all privileges to the specified user by the following command : Read file, go to DATABASES dictionary and read the name of the database, user name and password Make sure MY SQL is installed type in the terminal : mysql -u root -p > Enter your password and press enter > create database 'DBNAME IN'> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mydb.* TO 'myuser'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION; quit() > Run python makemigrations > python migrate Make sure you have your super user created and if not then python createsuperuser > Enter email,username,password You have your superuser NOTE: Do not commit any db changes or migrations, to avoid this, migrations directory has been included in gitignore Whenever you install any dependency by pip run the following command: pip freeze>requirements.txt IMPORTING DATA FROM XLS,CSV,XLSX to MYSQL DB ###DJANGO ADMIN: Run python runserver Go to import_export library has been used to make an admin panel based interface to upload xls,csv,xlsx files into sql. So just click on the model you want to populate, make sure the fields in the xlsx,xls or csv file are exactly same as the ones in your model. First field should always be id. Click on import and upload the file and specify the file format from the dropdown. Note the db will be stored in /var/lib/mysql directory. You can configure the mysql settings to store it to a desired location too. And you are good to go.! ###TERMINAL: To import data from xlsx, csv,xls files from command line go to python shell and type the following code: import tablib from import_export import resources from 'your_app'.models import models for example - from bitespace_app.models import USDAIngredient import csv Use 'USDAIngredient' as modelname First create the Importresource = resources.modelresource_factory(model='modelname')() imported_data = tablib.import_set(open('new.csv').read()) Use dry_run = False to push data into db result = Importedresource.import_data(imported_data, dry_run=True) print result.has_errors() False result = Importedresource.import_data(dataset, dry_run=False) And your data is uploaded into your db! ###API DOcumentation We are using JWT based authentication so maintaining a session isnt required However to protext us against cross site resource foregery django provides a csrf token just in case so while making request to the api be sure to add an X-CSRF header: csrftoken and you can get the value of csrf token by going to the website and running any command and checking the networks tab and then checking the headers tab. Note: You do not need CSRF token for get requests, csrf is only required for post requests. other headers that are required for accessing resources that require authentication: once you are loggedin, You will get token, Please include that token in each request after that so that the token could be vvalidated Here is the format to do so Your http request must have a header like Authorization: Bearer

/search = Search API only get and post are allowed /list = List only get and post are allowed

No authentication has been implemented as the decription didnt specify so



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