shtativ / segterra_local_frontend

Local repository for developing frontend tasks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Segterra Frontend

Style Guide. Main idea - making reusable components.


npm i


Gulp is a build tool in JavaScript 'build' on node streams. Working directory - 'scr'.

gulp-file-include - a plugin of gulp for file include

gulp-less - a less plugin for gulp

gulp-autoprefixer - prefix css with autoprefixer

gulp-clean-css - a gulp plugin to minify css, using clean-css

webpack-stream - run webpack as a stream to conveniently integrate with gulp.

gulp-imagemin - a gulp plugin to minify images

imagemin-jpegoptim - imagemin plugin for jpegoptim

gulp-svgstore - a gulp plugin to combine svg files into one with symbol.

gulp-rename - a gulp plugin to rename files easily

parallel - combines task functions and/or composed operations into larger operations that will be executed simultaneously

gulp-notify - notification plugin for gulp


  1. html (use gulp-file-include) - moving html files from 'src' to 'build' folder

  2. styles (use gulp-less, gulp-autoprefixer, gulp-clean-css) - converting to css, adding prefixes, cleaning and moving files from 'src' to 'build' folder.

  3. scripts (use webpack-stream) - ..

  4. img (use imagemin) - minified images and moving files from 'src' to 'build' folder

  5. svgsprite (use gulp-svgstore, gulp-rename) - creating svg-sprites

  6. clean - cleaning build folder

  7. watch - watcher + parallel

  8. serve (browser-sync) - live reload

  9. dev - main task for the developing

Code Style


Babel watcher settings

Add watcher

Set watcher

Babel scope settings

Add watcher

Set watcher



Local repository for developing frontend tasks


Language:HTML 59.4%Language:Less 24.6%Language:JavaScript 16.0%Language:Handlebars 0.0%