shsh88 / U2V

User2Vec Framework

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


User2Vec is a neural model that learns static user representations based on a collections of texts. This is a repo is re-implementation of the original model in pytorch and with support for more modern text encoders (i.e. Fasttext, ELMo and Transformers). Refer to the publications for details on the model.


User2Vec can be installed directly from the repository or manually after downloading the code

  • repository: pip install git+
  • manually: pip install [PATH TO CODE] or python [PATH TO CODE]/ install


User2Vec can be run as a pipeline with 3 steps:

  1. build: Preprocess and vectorize documents
  2. encode: Encode tokens with pretrained word embedding representations
  3. train: Train user2vec model to learn user embedding representations

This allows for faster experimentation with different configurations. To run the pipeline on the included sample dataset with default configuration use

python -m -docs DATA/sample.txt -output [OUTPUT_PATH] -conf_path confs/sample.json -build -encode -train -device cpu

User2Vec can be configured with the following parameters for the pipeline, encoder, and model (default values in parentheses)

Pipeline Parameters

  • -conf_path: path to config file
  • -docs: path to input documents
  • -output: path to output folder
  • -device (cpu): device (cpu or cuda)
  • -train: train model
  • -build: buid training data
  • -encode: encode word tokens
  • -reset: rebuild training data

Encoder Parameters:

  • encoder_type (elmo): encoder type (elmo, fasttext, bert, clinicalbert)
  • seed (426): random seed
  • pretrained_weights (small): pretrained weights (ELMO: {small, medium, original}; BERT, FastText: [path to embeddings])
  • encoder_batch_size (256): batch size for the encoder module (relevant when using GPU)
  • max_docs_user (10): maximum number of documents per user
  • window_size (128): window size

Model Parameters:

  • margin (1): hinge loss margin
  • batch_size (32): batch size
  • initial_lr (0.01): initial learning rate
  • validation_split (0.2): percentage of validation data
  • epochs (5): number of epochs
  • run_id: identifier for the run (if not set and id will be generated as [MARGIN]_[INITIAL_LR]_[EPOCHS])

Note that the choice of model parameters can have a significant impact on the performance of the downstream applications. We recommend experimenting with different learning rates and margins.


The output of the pipeline is stored at [OUTPUT_PATH]/[ENCODER_TYPE] and consists of two sets of representations:

  • U_[ENCODER_TYPE]_[RUN_ID].txt: User2vec user embeddings learned with [ENCODER_TYPE] word representations and run ID [RUN_ID]

  • U_[ENCODER_TYPE]_mean.txt: user embeddings computed as the average of word representations


If you use this code please cite one of the following papers:

Irani, D., Wrat, A., and Amir, S., 2021. Early Detection of Online Hate Speech Spreaders with Learned User Representations. In CLEF 2021 Labs and Workshops, Notebook Papers 2021.

Amir, S., Coppersmith, G., Carvalho, P., Silva, M.J. and Wallace, B.C., 2017. Quantifying Mental Health from Social Media with Neural User Embeddings. In Journal of Machine Learning Research, W&C Track, Volume 68.


User2Vec Framework



Language:Python 91.3%Language:Shell 8.7%