shrimpy / AspMVCFileUploadSample

Sample app for file upload

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Deploy to Azure

Main Technologies:

- Core 1.0.0-rc1
- Angularjs 2

Project structure

	ImageUploadDemo							    -- application
		|- controllers
		|	|- UploadController.cs				-- public api
		|- ImageProcessProvider
			|- AzureBlobProvider.cs				-- store raw image onto Azure Blob Storage
			|- LocalFileProvider.cs				-- store raw image under "wwwroot/dl" folder

	ImageUploadDemo.Test						-- unit tests


Currently there is not image library avaiable for DNX, since there is no "System.Draw" function implemented
Image resize function is relying on Google CDN which has limited on file size

How to open and run project locally:

- On Windows:
	Install Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 with Update 1
	Open ImageUploadDemo.sln
	Open Startup.cs make sure it is running with "AzureBlobProvider"
		services.AddTransient<IImageProvider, AzureBlobProvider>();
	Open appsettings.json to fill in StorageAccount and StorageKey
	F5 to run application
- On Linux:
	TODO (should runable since Core 1.0 is corss platform)

Deploy to Azure App Service

- Set local git
- Push solution to git repo


Sample app for file upload


Language:C# 51.9%Language:JavaScript 26.0%Language:HTML 12.8%Language:TypeScript 5.3%Language:CSS 3.9%