Shreyash Sharma's repositories
The above project depicts Social Network analysis done on the facebook page of nike using gephi. The data of the page was retrieved using netvizz app. The network is an undirected graph as people who like the facebook page of nike , follow it and not the vice versa. The network contains 1142 nodes with 6597 edges. The initial step involves application of force atlas algorithm on the network. The project contains all related properties with respect to the network including betweenness centrality , average path length etc. The network has been modular using modular classes and partitioning colours to different module classes. The graph has also been made aesthetic by adjusting size of the nodes with respect to degree.
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Airline Delay Predictor made using the cocepts of machine learning. Initially i have used logistic regression for classification followed by random forest classification. After classification, the data is corssvalidated for minimum, mean and maximum accuracy for random forest, svm.
Decypher Chrono Analyzer
This is a simple web application for tracking data of corona virus cases all around the globe. The source of data has been provided by John hopkins university.
ML model repsonsible for classifying watches based on the trained brands for an input image and prediction of the price for the same.
The Python programming language
Source Code from episodes of AlwaysBCoding screencasts
A project based on the fantasy football manager using HTML/CSS as the front end and sql as the back end using oracle 12g databse
The Java REST MVC backend for the tech news site :
Prototype of my new offcial site.
A memory game made as part of the nanodegree Program.
Standalone binary installers for Qt Linguist
Quickly download, clean up, and install ecological datasets into a database management system
matrix rain of binary numbers.
Typing Assistant provides the ability to autocomplete words and suggests predictions for the next word. This makes typing faster, more intelligent and reduces effort.
A VFP - gating controller for an instrument . Made using Qt Creator with basic concepts of networks, oops, dependency injection, File handling etc.