shreyaskarnik / elk-stack

Dockerized ELK Stack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana (ELK) dockerized for testing

This repo contains ELK stack as docker-compose file for getting started/testing ELK with Docker.

This docker-compose file is for testing purposes only.

For configuring logstash settings modify logstash.yml currently the config is set to auto-reload and restart logstash gracefully upon modification/addition of logstash pipelines at pipeline/*.conf

There is a sample logstash pipeline included in pipelines/sample.conf this logstash pipeline makes use of the heartbeat input plugin to get started

Getting started


If you want to explore kibana with some real data you can try metricbeat to view metrics from the machine you are currently on




Dockerized ELK Stack

License:MIT License