shotishu / SimpleFlatMapper

Fast and Easy mapping from database and csv to POJO. A lightweight alternative to iBatis and Hibernate.

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SimpleFlatMapper v0.9.12

Fast and Easy mapping from database and csv to POJO. A super lightweight no configuration ORM alternative to iBatis or Hibernate.

Fastest CsvParser on csv-parsers-comparaison.

Fastest CsvMapper and ORM Mapper, as far as I could test. If you believe something would be worth testing please raise an issue.

Feedbacks are more than welcome, don't hesitate to raise an issue or send me an email.


  • no configuration
  • low foot print
  • use plain jdbc
  • no external library needed
  • respect final fields
  • support asm generation for max performance

What it does not do

  • no query generation
  • no insert/update
  • no caching
  • no object lifecycle



Sfm is very fast, the fastest I've been able to test again for the JdbcMapper and CsvMapper.

MyBatis, Hibernate, Jooq, QueryDSL have a considerable overwrite, that can raise the cost by at least 600% on 1000 rows query. BeanPropertyRowMapper is even worse.

API intrusiveness

Ibatis provide the same kind of functionality but it forces you to use it's query mechanism and mask the jdbc api. Sfm just focus on the mapping from a ResultSet. You can manage the query the way you want. You can use JdbcTemplate, even use it in an Hibernate session via the doWork method.



public class MyDao {
    private final JdbcMapper<MyObject> mapper = 
    public void printAllLambda(Writer writer, Connection conn) throws SQLException {
        try (PreparedStatement ps = 
        		conn.prepareStatement("select id, email, my_property from MyTable")) {
	        try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()){
	            mapper.forEach(rs, (o) -> writer.append(o.toString()).append("\n"));
    public void printAll(Writer writer, Connection conn) throws SQLException {
        try (PreparedStatement ps = 
        		conn.prepareStatement("select id, email, my_property from MyTable")) {
	        try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()){
	            mapper.forEach(rs, new RowHandler<MyObject>{
	            	public void handle(MyObject o) throws IOException { 


See JdbcTemplateMapperFactoryTest for more examples.

class MyDao {
	private final JdbcTemplateMapper<DbObject> mapper = 
	public void doSomething() {
		List<DbObject> results = template.query(DbHelper.TEST_DB_OBJECT_QUERY, mapper);
	public void doSomethingElse() {
		 		mapper.newResultSetExtractor((o) -> System.out.println(o.toString())));


The Osgi support just expose a service that will deal with the classloading wizardry needed to generate bytecode.

class MyService {

	JdbcMapperService jdbcMapperService;
	volatile JdbcMapper mapper;
	public void activate() {
		mapper = jdbcMapperService.newFactory().newMapper(DbObject.class);

QueryDSL Jdbc

SQLQuery sqlquery = new SQLQueryImpl(conn, new HSQLDBTemplates());
try {
	return sqlquery
		.list(new QueryDslMappingProjection<DbObject>(DbObject.class,,,, 
				qTestDbObject.typeOrdinal ));
} finally {


Uses header to match to the property.

public class MyParser {
    private final CsvMapper<MyObject> mapper = 
    public void printAll(Writer writer, Reader reader) throws IOException {
        mapper.forEach(reader, (o) -> writer.append(o.toString()).append("\n"));

Property Mapping

the mapper will assume a column name from the database will be matching the property name ignoring the case and underscores.


- my_property => myProperty
- myproperty => myProperty

Value Injection

The JdbcMapper supports

  • constructor injection - needs asm to get the parameters name -
  • setter injection
  • field injection It looks for injection on that order and if asm is present will generate optimised asm version.
create table MyTable {
	id bigint,
	email varchar(256),
	my_property int
public class MyObject {
	private final long id;
	private final String email;
	private final int myProperty;
	public MyObject(long id, String email,  int myProperty) { = id; = email;
		this.myProperty = myProperty;

	public long getId() { return id; }
	public String getEmail() { return email; }
	public int getProperty() { return myProperty; }
	public String toString() { ... }

Inner object mapping

It also supports complex object injection via constructor, field or setter.

public class OuterObject {
	String id;
	MyObject subObject;
select id, sub_object_id, sub_object_email, sub_object_my_property

List Mapping

And list mapping in an object or at first level.

public class ListObject {
	String id;
	List<MyObject> subObjects;
select id, 
	sub_objects_0_id, sub_objects_0_email, sub_objects_0_my_property, 


See orm-benchmarks for benchmark sources and results.

In mem HsqlDb

Average time us/op to execute, fetch and map to object the result of a query with 1, 10, 100 and 1000 rows. The lower the better.

Type/NbRows 1 10 100 1000
PureJdbc 2.25 5.59 37.17 353.20
JdbcMapperStatic 2.28 5.82 39.24 378.06
JdbcMapperDynamic 2.63 6.77 47.93 459.36
JdbcMapperDynamicNoAsm 2.71 7.23 52.28 505.37
Roma 3.12 7.21 46.78 432.40
Sql2o 7.33 13.06 68.86 613.32
Jooq 40.73 57.24 212.12 1,800.72
Hibernate 20.26 43.21 252.04 2,545.97
MyBatis 21.05 54.17 359.39 3,491.73
RowMapper 15.58 121.16 1,190.37 11,637.21

% Difference from PureJdbc Average Time, the lower the better HsqlDb Average time difference to PureJdbc

% Difference from PureJdbc Average Time Top 5, the lower the better HsqlDb Average time difference to PureJdbc Top5

Local Mysql

Average time us/op to execute, fetch and map to object the result of a query with 1, 10, 100 and 1000 rows. The lower the better.

Type/NbRows 1 10 100 1000
PureJdbc 242.34 307.93 687.90 2,861.32
JdbcMapperStatic 239.68 310.62 688.94 2,870.02
JdbcMapperDynamic 241.73 319.13 693.55 2,958.79
JdbcMapperDynamicNoAsm 241.06 313.13 693.64 3,023.33
Roma 248.63 350.59 740.67 3,205.41
Sql2o 257.37 368.18 814.33 3,575.64
Jooq 349.60 456.55 1,014.53 4,646.25
Hibernate 330.21 405.29 1,136.28 5,663.27
MyBatis 429.10 533.00 1,246.27 7,503.65
RowMapper 315.90 487.20 2,048.60 14,547.18

% Difference from PureJdbc Average Time, the lower the better Mysql difference to PureJdbc

% Difference from PureJdbc Average Time Top5, the lower the better Mysql difference to PureJdbc Top5

Csv Mapping

Jmh benchmark. Average time in us to parse and map to object a csv file with 10, 1000 and 100000 rows. The lower the better.

Type/NbRows 10 1000 100,000
Sfm 4 304 31,703
Jackson 6 485 50,774

Maven dependency



Fast and Easy mapping from database and csv to POJO. A lightweight alternative to iBatis and Hibernate.

License:MIT License