shortymc / Chatty

A realtime chat app using PHP and WebSocket for communication, and integrating OpenAI's GPT-3 API for generating responses.

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A realtime chat app using PHP and WebSocket for communication, and integrating OpenAI's GPT-3 API for generating responses.


This document provides technical details and guidelines for developing a real-time chat application that incorporates a PHP WebSocket server for communication and integrates with OpenAI's GPT-3 API for generating responses. The application allows users to engage in real-time conversations with the assistance of GPT-3's natural language processing capabilities.

Prerequisites To develop and run the real-time chat application, ensure that you have the following prerequisites:

PHP and a web server installed on your development environment. Composer package manager installed for dependency management. Access to OpenAI's GPT-3 API with valid credentials. Project Setup Follow these steps to set up the project:

Create a new directory for your project and navigate to it in the command line. Initialize a new Composer project by running the command: composer init. Install the required dependencies by running the command: composer require cboden/ratchet. Create the necessary PHP files for the WebSocket server and the HTML user interface. WebSocket Server The WebSocket server is responsible for handling client connections, transmitting messages, and integrating with the GPT-3 API. Follow these steps to implement the WebSocket server:

Import the required dependencies using require 'vendor/autoload.php'. Define a class ChatServer that implements MessageComponentInterface from the Ratchet library. Inside the ChatServer class, create a constructor to initialize a SplObjectStorage instance to store connected clients. Implement the methods onOpen, onMessage, onClose, and onError to handle WebSocket events. In the onOpen method, attach the new connection to the clients storage. In the onMessage method, send the received message to all connected clients using a foreach loop. Integrate the GPT-3 API by calling the generateGpt3Response function (explained below) to generate a response. Send the generated response back to the original client only using $from->send($gpt3Response). Create an instance of the WebSocket server using IoServer::factory and run it on a specific port (e.g., 8080). HTML User Interface The HTML user interface provides the chat interface and handles user interactions. Follow these steps to implement the HTML user interface:

Create an HTML file (e.g., index.php) and define the necessary HTML structure. Include CSS styles to define the appearance of the chat area and input elements. Create an empty div element to serve as the chat area, an input element for message input, and a button to send messages. In the JavaScript section, define variables to reference the chat area, message input, and send button using document.getElementById. Establish a WebSocket connection by creating a new WebSocket instance and providing the server URL (e.g., ws://localhost:8080). Add event listeners to handle sending messages when the send button is clicked or the Enter key is pressed. In the event listeners, capture the user's message from the input field, send it via the WebSocket connection using socket.send, and clear the input field. Add an event listener to handle incoming messages from the server using socket.addEventListener('message', ...) and display them in the chat area. GPT-3 API Integration To integrate with the GPT-3 API and generate responses, implement the generateGpt3Response function. Follow these steps:

Inside the WebSocket server file, create a function named generateGpt3Response that accepts the user's message as input. Implement the necessary logic to make an HTTP request to the GPT-3 API using PHP libraries like cURL or Guzzle. Configure the API request payload to include the user's message as input to GPT-3. Extract the generated response from the GPT-3 API response and return it. Note: Refer to OpenAI's GPT-3 API documentation for detailed instructions on authenticating, making API requests, and handling responses.

Usage and Testing To use and test the real-time chat application:

Start the WebSocket server by running the command php chat-server.php in the project directory. Open the chat application in a web browser by accessing index.php. Enter a message in the input field and click the send button or press Enter to send the message. The message will be sent to the server, processed by GPT-3, and displayed in the chat area. The generated response from GPT-3 will be sent back to the original client and displayed in the chat area. Conclusion This technical documentation provides an overview of the real-time chat application that integrates PHP WebSocket server and OpenAI's GPT-3 API. It outlines the project setup, WebSocket server implementation, HTML user interface, GPT-3 API integration, and usage instructions. By following this documentation, developers can create a chat application that leverages the power of GPT-3 for generating responses in real-time conversations.

Please note that this documentation serves as a general guide, and further customization and enhancements may be required based on specific project requirements and the GPT-3 API's documentation and guidelines.


A realtime chat app using PHP and WebSocket for communication, and integrating OpenAI's GPT-3 API for generating responses.

License:MIT License


Language:Hack 55.5%Language:PHP 44.5%