shoraaa / touhou

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Touhou 6 - Embodiment of Scarlet Devil (C++/SDL2)


A remake of Touhou 6 - Embodiment of Scarlet Devil using the SDL2 library, written in C++. Touhou is a bullet hell shoot 'em up video game series, where you shoot girl boss and evade their crazy-like abilities.

0. How to download


  • MinGW64 for dynamic linking library and/or compilation.

- Pre-compiled binary (Window)

  1. Code -> Download ZIP.
  2. Extract
  3. Run touhou.exe

- Compile from source code


1. How to start

Start by open the touhou.exe file. A window will pop-up, press enter to continue to the menu.


Press enter to start the game.


2. Game mechanic

2.a Player


Control the player by using the Up/Down/Right/Left key. Slow down by using the Shift key.



Shoot the enemies by pressing the Z key.



Getting hit by your enemies's bullets or their body will cause your character to lose 1 health, and temporary being invicible for 5 secs, lose all your score and clearing every bullet on-screen.



When you feel stuck, you can use the X key to spend 1 of your bomb, clearing every enemy bullet on-screen.



Power-up your character by collecting the red item drop from enemy. There are 5 stages of power, each reached when player have at least 1/10/20/35/60 power. Aim to increase your power level! Starting from level 2, you will have additional bullet that auto-aim the enemy for you :D. Dying decrease your power by 10.




Increase your character by collecting the blue item drop from enemy. Every 100 chi equal to 1 live.

2.b Enemy

Regular enemy

Regular enemies is small, weak entities that have low hp, and can be easily killed. However as the game progress, they will spawn faster and stronger.



Once you reach specific stage, a boss will spawn. They have a lots of health, different movement and tons of crazy abilities. Prepare yourself by collecting as much power and chi as possible.


2.c Bullet (Particle)

Enemy will try to shoot bullet at you. Dodge them!


Boss ability

Boss have different abilities that shoot bullet with different pattern.


2.d Score

Hitting/Killing enemy

Hitting and killing enemy will increase your score. Don't focus on just dodging, shoot more!



Graze is the concept of being as close to enemy bullet as possible, without hitting them. Grazing will reward you a lot of score, so try to do it without getting your player die!




Losing lives will decrease player score, each decrease 10000 score. Losing the game give you choice to continue, but your score will be reset to 0.

3. Source code base

  • const.h: Some constants in the game, such as window width, etc.
  • utils.h: Utilities function and class, such as Vec2d class, random() function, ..
  • audio.h: SDL_Mixer audio wrapper class.
  • texture.h: A texture wrapper class for SDL_Texture.
  • sprite.h: Sprite class, which can use to animate it properties (position, angle, etc.)
  • animation.h: Classes of different animations in the game, such as hiting enemy, dying, ..
  • particle.h: Classes of different particle/bullet in the game.
  • particleManager.h: ParticleManager class, which manage (create, update and render) every particle on screen.
  • enemy.h: Classes of different enemies in the game, and a EnemyManager class that contains all of enemies on screen.
  • pattern.h: Classes of different boss abilities pattern, which will call particleManager to execute them.
  • player.h: Player class, which manage player and its bullet.
  • scene.h: Classes of different scene: main menu, gameplay, ..
  • program.h: Class of the program itself.

All code was hand-written with the exception of C++ STL, SDL2, SDL2_image and SDL_mixer library. Asset was ripped from Touhou 6 by Zun, taken from



Language:C 95.2%Language:C++ 3.2%Language:CMake 0.7%Language:Objective-C 0.4%Language:M4 0.3%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:Makefile 0.0%