shobhit / polygons_to_triangles_squares_triangle_others

function to classify the set of polygons into four mutually exclusive subsets: triangles, rectangles, squares, and everything else. And some more solutions.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


One script to classify the set of polygons into four mutually exclusive subsets: triangles, rectangles, squares, and everything else. And some more solutions.

Also few other small solutions

Using Java Script

  1. Write a function to transform array a to array b and print the elements of array b to the console.

let a = [2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 15] let b = ['4', '16', '64']

Ans: b.push.apply(b, a);

console.log(b); 2) Write a function to calculate the cumulative TTL of the following set of requests. (The provided answer is correct and should not be modified. )

let requests = [ {requestId: 'poiax',  startedAt: 1489744808, ttl: 8}, {requestId: 'kdfhd',  startedAt: 1489744803, ttl: 3}, {requestId: 'uqwyet', startedAt: 1489744806, ttl: 12}, {requestId: 'qewaz',  startedAt: 1489744810, ttl: 1} ]

let cumulativeTtl = 15


var max = result = 0; var min = requests[0].startedAt;

requests.forEach(function(row){ max = ((row.startedAt + row.ttl) > max) ? (row.startedAt + row.ttl) : max; min = (row.startedAt < min) ? row.startedAt : min;
}); result = (max - min);

console.log((result == cumulativeTtl) ? true : false);

  1. Read a text file containing a set of flat polygons represented as one polygon per line. Each line contains a comma-separated list of side lengths (for example “3,4,8,5,7”). Write a function to classify the set of polygons into four mutually exclusive subsets: triangles, rectangles, squares, and everything else. The union of all four subsets should be the original set of polygons. All the sides of the polygons are connected and the angles between them are irrelevant. Only consider the lengths.


 * count a value how many times in an array
function countValueInArray(array, niddle) {
    return array.filter(item => item == niddle).length;

 * read file 
var fileText = [];

function readTextFile(file) {
    var rawFile = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", file, false);
    rawFile.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (rawFile.readyState === 4) {
            if (rawFile.status === 200 || rawFile.status == 0) {
                // when text file content json : [["1,3,1"], ["2,2,2,2"], ["2,4,2,4"], ["4,2,3"], ["3,4,2,6"]]
                //fileText = JSON.parse(rawFile.responseText);

                // for line separated file
                fileText = rawFile.responseText.split('\n');

 * this will check whether it can make a triangle
function checkTriangle(set) {
    if (set.length != 3) {
        return false;
    var a = parseInt(set[0]);
    var b = parseInt(set[1]);
    var c = parseInt(set[2]);

    if (((a + b) > c) && ((a + c) > b) && ((b + c) > a)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

 * this will check whether it can make a square
function checkSquare(set) {
    if (set.length != 4) {
        return false;

    var a = parseInt(set[0]);
    var b = parseInt(set[1]);
    var c = parseInt(set[2]);
    var d = parseInt(set[3]);

    var equal = set.reduce(function(sum, val) {
        return val === set[0];

    return equal;

 * this will check whether it can make rectangle or not
function checkRectangle(set) {
    if (set.length != 4) {
        return false;

    var a = parseInt(set[0]);
    var b = parseInt(set[1]);
    var c = parseInt(set[2]);
    var d = parseInt(set[3]);

    if (((countValueInArray(set, a) == 2) && (countValueInArray(set, b) == 2)) || ((countValueInArray(set, c) == 2) && (countValueInArray(set, d) == 2)) || ((countValueInArray(set, a) == 2) && (countValueInArray(set, c) == 2)) || ((countValueInArray(set, a) == 2) && (countValueInArray(set, d) == 2)) || ((countValueInArray(set, b) == 2) && (countValueInArray(set, d) == 2)) || ((countValueInArray(set, b) == 2) && (countValueInArray(set, c) == 2))) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;


// create polygons array
var polygons = [];
fileText.forEach(function(p) {
var triangles = [];
var squares = [];
var rectangles = [];
var others = [];
var result;
// polygons loop of all sets
for (let i = 0; i < polygons.length; i++) {
    var set;
    set = polygons[i].split(',');

    if (set.length == 3) {
        result = checkTriangle(set);
        if (result == true) {
        } else {

    } else if (set.length == 4) {
        result = checkSquare(set);
        if (result == true) {
        } else if (checkRectangle(set) == true) {
        } else {

    } else {

/*let unionOfAll = new Set(triangles, squares, rectangles, others);
// as they are already mutually exclusive set/array
let unionOfAll = triangles.concat(squares.concat(triangles.concat(others)));

document.write("Original polygons txt file contents: <br>" + fileText.join("<br>") + "<br><hr><br>");

document.write("Mutually exclusive sets:-<br>");
document.write("Triangles: " + JSON.stringify(triangles) + "<br>");
document.write("Squares: " + JSON.stringify(squares) + "<br>");
document.write("Rectangles: " + JSON.stringify(rectangles) + "<br>");
document.write("Others: " + JSON.stringify(others) + "<br><hr><br>");

document.write("Union of all: " + JSON.stringify(unionOfAll) + "<br>");


function to classify the set of polygons into four mutually exclusive subsets: triangles, rectangles, squares, and everything else. And some more solutions.

License:MIT License