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Java List of Content

Java Introduction

  1. What is Java
  2. Features of Java
  3. What is JDK
  4. Bytecode in Java
  5. What is JRE
  6. What is JVM in Java
  7. Java Compiler | How works it
  8. Interpreter in Java
  9. Download JDK (Java Development Kit) in Windows
  10. First Simple Java Program: Hello World
  11. Download Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
  12. Simple Java Program in Eclipse, Compile, Run

Basics of Java

  1. Java Tokens | Types of Tokens
  2. Java Character Set
  3. Keywords in Java
  4. Identifiers in Java | Rules of Identifiers
  5. Comments in Java | Types, Example
  6. Escape Sequence in Java

Java Class and Object

  1. Classes and Objects in Java
  2. How to create Objects in Java
  3. Object Declaration and Initialization
  4. Life Cycle of Object
  5. Anonymous Object in Java
  6. Types of Classes in Java

Java Data types and Variables

  1. Data types in Java
  2. Non-primitive data types
  3. Memory Allocation of Data types
  4. Java Variables
  5. Scope of Variables in Java
  6. Constants in Java

Java Operators

  1. Java Operators
  2. Relational Operators
  3. Logical Operators
  4. Assignment Operators
  5. Unary Operators
  6. Conditional Operators

Decision Making, Branching, Looping

  1. Conditional Control Statements in Java
  2. If Statement in Java | Example Program
  3. If else in Java | Nested if-else, Example
  4. Loops in Java | Types: Nested, Infinite
  5. While Loop in Java
  6. Java Do While Loop
  7. For Loop in Java
  8. Nested For Loop in Java
  9. For Each Loop (Enhanced for loop)
  10. Switch Statement in Java | Use Example
  11. Java Break Statement, Example Program
  12. Continue Statement in Java, Example Program
  13. Labelled Loop in Java | Example Program

Java Packages

  1. Java Packages

Java Methods

  1. Methods in Java
  2. Java Main Method
  3. Arguments and Parameters
  4. Call by Value and Call by Reference
  5. How to call Methods with Parameters in Java
  6. Java Return type

Java Constructor

  1. Constructor in Java
  2. Constructor Overloading
  3. Constructor Chaining
  4. Private Constructor in Java | Use, Example

Java Modifiers

  1. Access Modifiers
  2. Non-access Modifiers
  3. Access Modifiers Interview Questions Answers

Blocks in Java

  1. Java Blocks

Java Static and Final Keywords

  1. Static Variable
  2. Static Methods
  3. Can we override Static method in Java
  4. Static Block
  5. Final Keyword

OOPs Concepts in Java

  1. OOPs Concepts

Java Encapsulation

  1. Java Getter and Setter
  2. Encapsulation
  3. Encapsulation Programs in Java for Practice

Inheritance in Java

  1. Inheritance
  2. Superclass and Subclasses
  3. Behavior of Access modifiers in case of Inheritance
  4. Types of Inheritance
  5. 10 Java Inheritance Interview Programs for Practice
  6. Top 50 Java Inheritance Interview Questions Answers
  7. Class Relationships in Java
  8. Has-A Relationship in Java
  9. Association in Java
  10. Aggregation in Java
  11. Composition in Java
  12. Association vs Aggregation vs Composition

Java Super and This keywords

  1. Super keyword
  2. This keyword
  3. Difference between Super and This

Java Overloading

  1. Method Overloading in Java
  2. When to use Method overloading in Java Project
  3. Type Conversion and Casting
  4. Automatic type Promotion in Method overloading
  5. Class Casting in Java
  6. Java Upcasting and Downcasting with Example
  7. Java Method Overloading Interview Programs for Practice

Java Overriding

  1. Method Overriding in Java
  2. Covariant Return type in Java
  3. Rules of Exception Handling with Method Overriding
  4. Difference between Method Overloading and Method Overriding
  5. Method Hiding in Java
  6. Dynamic Method Dispatch in Java
  7. Top 15 Java Method Overriding Interview Programs for Practice

Java Abstraction

  1. Java Abstraction | Abstract Class
  2. Extending and Implementing Interface in Java
  3. Realtime Use of Interface in Java Application in Java
  4. Nested Interface in Java
  5. 12 Difference between Abstract class and Interface
  6. Java Class vs Interface
  7. Default Method in Java 8 Interface
  8. Interface Static Method in Java 8

Java Polymorphism

  1. Compile time, Runtime Polymorphism in Java
  2. Static and Dynamic Binding in Java

Inner Classes in Java

  1. Java Inner Class
  2. Normal Inner Class
  3. Method Local Inner Class
  4. Anonymous Inner Class
  5. Static Nested Class
