shivashanmugam / table-almighty

angularJS configurable table

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Full functionality demo

Table of Content

  1. Getting Started
  2. Search & Sort
  3. Actions for every row
  4. Selecting rows and Performing actions
  5. Conditional coloring of rows and Column coloring
  6. Reordering
  7. Custom labels
  8. Custom classes
  9. Dependencies
  10. Contribution Guidelines
  11. What to expect in Next version

Getting Started

Simple example demo

Simple Example

<body ng-app="getStarted" ng-controller="getStartedCtrl" class="container">
    <table-almighty config="tableConfig"></table-almighty>
var app = angular.module('getStarted', ['tableAlmightyApp']);

app.controller('getStartedCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {

    $scope.tableConfig = {
        tHeads: [
            { property: 'firstName', text: 'First Name'},
            { property: 'lastName', text: 'Last Name'},
            { property: 'age', text: 'Age' },
            { property: 'DOB', text: 'DOB'},
                "id": 1,
                "firstName": "Graiden",
                "lastName": "Mccray",
                "age": 90,
                "DOB": "2017-11-29T12:48:01-08:00"
                "id": 2,
                "firstName": "Otto",
                "lastName": "Hall",
                "age": 36,
                "DOB": "2017-07-26T16:54:13-07:00"
        trackBy : 'id'
  • tableAlmightyApp has to injected in angular app.
  • tableConfig used as specification object to generate table, It is the only variable two-way binded with table-almighty directive, Property Description
  • tBody will contain the table data,
  • tHeads contains array objects each represent header of column(th) in table { property: 'firstName', text: 'First Name'} property mentions which property has to be used for column text mention how the property header should display upon rendering,
  • trackBy will have the property which is unique for each row.

Process data before rendering

Incase if the column details need to be processed before rendering in the table, For example DOB property is in UTC format(2017-11-29T12:48:01-08:00), But want to display in more readable format (Sun May 28 2017) tableConfig provides function to process tBody values before rendering.

$scope.getCellData = function(row, property){
    if(property == "DOB"){
        return new Date(row[property]).toDateString()
        return row[property]
$scope.tableConfig = {
    tHeads: [
    trackBy : 'id',
    getCellData : $scope.getCellData,

Other use cases are instead of showing full name of the person instead of show first name and lastname.

Rows per page & Pagination

$scope.tableConfig = {

Property Description

  • rowsPerPage onced added will add pagination and restricts the number of rows per page based on the value given.
$scope.tableConfig = {

Property Description

  • rowsPerPageOptions once added will have and option to change the number of rows per page show.

Note rowsPerPageOptions will not work if rowsPerPage is not provided

Search and Sort


$scope.tableConfig = {
    tHeads: [
        { property: 'firstName', text: 'First Name', search : {type: 'INPUT' }},
        { property: //...
        filterRowEnabled : true

Property Description

  • toolSwitch act as a switch for certain features, Need to be enabled for search filter -search Object which is inside tHead adds search box for the column where it resides

search Object properties and usage

  • Type: INPUT - String search SELECT - Selectable Search

  • InputType Number - Matches exactly the number, If not mentioned filters (9, 9*, 9**, 9*, etc)


    search : {
        type: 'SELECT', options:[
            { text: 'Age > 50' , exp : "tRow['age'] > 50" },
            { text: '9' , exp : "tRow['age'] == 9" },
            { text : '24', exp : "tRow['age'] == 24"}
        inputType: 'Number',
    • Adds a select box filter on top Age column and adds options three options [Age > 50, 9, 10]

    • options Array takes Object as input which has text and exp

      • text how option should appear
      • exp how the option should be evaluted against property. tRow[<property_name>] gives access to row property


$scope.tableConfig = {
        sortingEnabled: true

Adding sortingEnabled proptery inside toolSwitch enables sorting for all the headers. Also distinguishes sorting Type (Number, String, Date) through the property types.

Actions for every row

$scope.removeRow = function(rowId){
    $scope.tableConfig.tBody.every(function(tRow, index){
        if(rowId == tRow[$scope.tableConfig.trackBy] ){
            $scope.tableConfig.tBody.splice(index, 1);
            return false;
        return true;

$scope.tableConfig = {
            {toolTip : 'Delete', FAIcon: 'fa-trash', text : 'Delete ', fn:$scope.removeRow}, //FAIcon => font aweseome icon
            {toolTip : 'Open In New Tab', FAIcon: 'fa-external-link', text : 'New Tab ', fn:$scope.openNewTab}

rowAction Object Property Description

  • toolTip : shows tooltip
  • text : Display text of the button
  • FAIcon : font aweseome icon class suffix to display text
  • fn : function to execute upon clicking(row unique id Will be sent as first argument for the function)
    • Sample removeRow function
    $scope.removeRow = function(rowId) {
       $scope.tableConfig.tBody.every(function(tRow, index){
           if(rowId == tRow[$scope.tableConfig.trackBy] ){
               $scope.tableConfig.tBody.splice(index, 1);
               return false;
           return true;

Selecting rows and Performing actions

$scope.tableConfig = {
            toolTip : 'Deleted selected rows',
            text:'Delete Selected',
            fn: $scope.deleteSelected
            selectRowEnabled : true,

Need to enable selectRowEnabled in toolSwitch.

tableActions Object Property Description

  • toolTip : shows tooltip
  • text : Display text of the button
  • FAIcon : font aweseome icon class suffix to display text
  • fn : function to execute upon clicking(The selected rows will sent as a first arugment to the function)
    • Sample deleteSelected function
        $scope.deleteSelected = function(){
        var seletedRows = $scope.tableConfig.getSelectedRows();
            $scope.tableConfig.tBody.forEach(function(tRow, tRowIndex){
                if(tRow[$scope.tableConfig.trackBy] == tRowSelected[$scope.tableConfig.trackBy] ){
                    $scope.tableConfig.tBody.splice(tRowIndex, 1);

In the code $scope.tableConfig.getSelectedRows(); returns the selected rows. getSelectedRows function have added as the tableConfig is binded to the directive.

Refresh directive (Resetting Directive values)

Incase want's to refresh table data , just need to update tableConfig.tBody with new table data and need to call $scope.tableConfig.resetDirective function to reset search, sort, pagination, selected rows

$scope.refresh = function(){
        .then(function(response) {
            $scope.tableConfig.tBody =;
        $scope.tableConfig.resetDirective(); // function attached as part of tableConfig upon directive linking

You can also have this function as a tableActions Object.

Conditional coloring of rows and Column coloring

Row color

$scope.tableConfig = {
    rowColorScheme: [
            expression:"tRow['age'] > 50",
            expression:"tRow['age'] < 30",
  • rowColorScheme is an Object Array

rowColorScheme Object Property Description

  • expression tRow['age'] > 50
    • tRow gives access to particular row of the Table, age refers which property of the row must be applied for the greater than 50 (tRow['age'] > 50) constrain.
  • class The custom class which will be applied when the expression is true.

Coloring column (Custom css classes for column)

$scope.tableConfig = {
     tHeads: [
            { property: 'firstName', text: 'First Name', customColumnClass: 'first-name' }

tHead Object property customColumnClass allows to add css classes for that particular column alone, ( first-name is the css class). Through that we can add background color for the column.

Selected row Color

$scope.tableConfig = {
     selectedRowColor:'red', // #F1F1F1//...etc

By adding selectedRowColor property adds specified color for the row.


$scope.tableConfig = {
    sortableOptions: {
            disabled: false,
            //this helper function makes sure not to shrink the td in tr while dragging
            helper: function (e, ui) {
                ui.children().each(function () {
                return ui;
            sortingEnabled: true

Currently adding the sortableOptions and toolSwitch.sortingEnabled value true enables reordering.

sortableOptions Object will be removed in further versions, toolSwitch.sortingEnabled will be the primary. (currently its a bit ugly due technical difficulty faced).

Note : Re-ordering only helpful when not using pagination, filter, sorting, After re-ordering you can get the re-ordered data from table config's tBody (tableConfig.tBody)

Custom labels

$scope.tableConfig = {
            selectedCount:'Artículos seleccionados',
            rowsPerPage : 'Filas por página',
            selectSearchDefault : 'Seleccionar'

By default the table has some default english text for table action labels, In case the users are spanish you can use customLabels to override the default text.

Custom classes

$scope.tableConfig = {
            filterInputBox : 'custom-input-box',
            selectBox : 'custom-input-box',
            rowActionButton: 'custom-row-action-button',
            tableActionButton: 'custom-table-action-button',

Currently the directive uses bootstrap, To override that and to use custom class for different components use customClass Object in table config.


Optional Libraries

  • jquery
  • jquery-ui
  • bootstrap
  • font-awesome

You can also update the config tBody after a http response

    .then(function(response) {
        $scope.tableConfig.tBody =;

Note Currently angular-sortable is not optional because loading angular modules dynamically is quite a hack, Future versions might have it. (angular sortable will trigger if jquery and jquery-ui is not loaded, But that does't cause any effects in table-almighty direcive ),

Contribution Guidelines

Code contribution

After having downloaded the repo in local

run npm start,

Directive : src/table-almighty.js
Directive TemplateURL : src/table-almighty-template

Other demo's use distribution file, examples/developer-example/ uses src file, you can experiment your changes in there.

To create directive distribution file(/dist/js/table-almighty.js) run grunt dev, See grunt config for further information about it.

Bug reporting

use v1.0 Labels for the current version,
Add screenshots or jsfiddle or instructions to reproduce while reporting issues.

What to expect in Next version

Click here


angularJS configurable table


Language:JavaScript 55.6%Language:HTML 32.8%Language:CSS 11.6%