shivanshuraj1333 / observe-sdk

Continuous runtime observablity SDKs to monitor WebAssembly code.

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WebAssembly Observability - Observe SDK by Dylibso

WebAssembly Observability Toolkit

Observe provides observability SDKs for WebAssembly, enabling continuous monitoring of WebAssembly code as it executes within a runtime.

This repository contains the Runtime SDKs and the Adapters necessary to have live profiling & tracing, and over time will include a complete observability stack for WebAssembly.

SDKs and Official Adapters

The table below tracks the supported Runtime SDKs and Adapters for the host application language that is running a WebAssembly module. The Runtime SDKs link to a particular WebAssembly runtime, and the Adapter formats the raw telemetry data to be emitted to a particular output/sink. If you need support for another Adapter, please open an issue here or email

Note: Any supported Runtime SDK can be paired with any Adapter from the same language.

Language Runtime SDKs Adapters
Rust Wasmtime Datadog, OpenTelemetry (STDOUT), Zipkin
Go Wazero Datadog, OpenTelemetry (STDOUT)
JavaScript Native (Browser, Node, Deno, Bun) Datadog

More languages, SDKs, and adapters are coming soon! Reach out to help us prioritize these additional components (


There are two components to this process:

  1. Instrumenting the Wasm code
  2. Including a runtime/host SDK

Instrumenting Wasm Modules

This package expects the wasm code to be instrumented using our instrumenting compiler. The only way to instrument your wasm right now is through the instrumentation service. The easiest way to do this is to send up your wasm with curl and get an instrumented wasm module back:

curl -F wasm=@code.wasm -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your-api-key>' > code.instr.wasm

🔑 You can get an API key by contacting

Note: The Instrumentation Service ( only re-compiles a .wasm binary and returns the updated code. We do not log or store any information about your submitted code. The compilation also adds no telemetry or other information besides the strictly-necessary auto-instrumentation to the .wasm instructions. If you would prefer to run this service yourself, please contact to discuss the available options.

Including a runtime SDK

This example covers the integration of the Rust SDK for Wasmtime. First install the cargo dependency for the SDK:

dylibso-observe-sdk = { git = "" }

Note: A runnable example can be found here.

use dylibso_observe_sdk::adapter::otelstdout::OtelStdoutAdapter;

pub async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let args: Vec<_> = std::env::args().skip(1).collect();
    let data = std::fs::read(&args[0])?;
    let function_name = "_start";
    let config = wasmtime::Config::new();

    // Create instance
    let engine = wasmtime::Engine::new(&config)?;
    let module = wasmtime::Module::new(&engine, &data)?;

    let adapter = OtelStdoutAdapter::create();

    // Setup WASI
    let wasi_ctx = wasmtime_wasi::WasiCtxBuilder::new()

    let mut store = wasmtime::Store::new(&engine, wasi_ctx);
    let mut linker = wasmtime::Linker::new(&engine);
    wasmtime_wasi::add_to_linker(&mut linker, |wasi| wasi)?;

    // Provide the observability functions to the `Linker` to be made available
    // to the instrumented guest code. These are safe to add and are a no-op
    // if guest code is uninstrumented.
    let trace_ctx = adapter.start(&mut linker, &data)?;

    let instance = linker.instantiate(&mut store, &module)?;

    // get the function and run it, the events pop into the queue
    // as the function is running

    let f = instance
        .get_func(&mut store, function_name)
        .expect("function exists"); store, &[], &mut []).unwrap();





To build the current wasmtime-based SDK, run:

$ cargo build


$ make test

Compile the Test Modules

These are already checked in, but you can compile and instrument them with. Please check in any changes in the test/ directory.

make instrument WASM_INSTR_API_KEY=<your-api-key>

Running Zipkin

One of the test adapters will output to Zipkin, defaulting to one running on localhost.

docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin


Continuous runtime observablity SDKs to monitor WebAssembly code.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Rust 48.3%Language:Go 28.5%Language:TypeScript 14.2%Language:JavaScript 7.9%Language:C 0.4%Language:Makefile 0.4%Language:HTML 0.2%