shivangg / exercise-day-2-segment-1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Step 1. Fork this repository.

Step 2. Clone your version and make a new branch with the format: username-branchName

Example - arfat-favourite-author

Step 3. Within that branch, write your username and your favourite author as given below.

Step 4. Push your changes to your repository.

Step 5. Create a new PR on the original repo with a meaningful description.

Step 6. If there is a merge conflict, make sure to resolve it. Also, make sure that your branch has at most 1 commit. If there are more than one commits, squash all the commits.

Pesto Username - Favourite Author


arfat - Neal Stephenson/Bill Bryson/Paulo Coelho
andrew - Robert M. Pirsig
nishant - daniel kahneman
anirudh - Phil Knight
Vipul - Richard Dawkins
This line needs to be preserved.
shashank36 - Dan Brown
shikhardb - Mark Twain
Line 1 This line needs to be preserved too.
Line 2
A new line? Preserve it!
Yet another new line? Preserve it! Write your authors below -
Rishabh1403 - Sir Aurthur Conan Doyle
niinpatel - George Orwell
vikash - Charlie Brooker
