Shivam Maharshi (shivam-maharshi)


Geek Repo

Company:Sr. Software Development Team Leader at Amazon

Location:New York

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Shivam Maharshi's repositories


This repository contains some algorithms and data structures mostly implemented for kicks and learning. Hopefully might help someone in need! Feel free to fork, copy, suggest corrections or ask questions. Happy coding :)



This repository contains a some object oriented programming & system designs solutions for a few famous design problems implemented mostly for kicks and learning. Hopefully might help someone in need! Feel free to fork, copy, suggest corrections or ask questions. Happy designing :)



This project contains all the code and configurations to install, optimize and benchmark a Wikipedia server with realistic workload. Wikipedia, empowered by MediaWiki, can be used to assess and compare the performance of different: a. Web Servers - Apache, LightHTTP, NGNIX, etc. b. Web Server Modules - Apache MPM, Preform, Event, etc. c. Databases - MySQL, Postgress, TSQL, SQLLite, etc. d. Caches - Accel, Memcached, Redis, etc. e. Archiving - SiteStory, Cache Based Archiving, etc.



This repository contains tutorials for a few technologies - languages, servers, frameworks, benchmarks, libraries, databases, caches & various clients. Feel free to fork, suggest corrections or ask any questions. Happy learning :)



This is a compilation of a few novel research ideas, innovative projects, hackathon ideas & open source contributions designed and implemented by me in collaboration with others for research & learning. Feel free to fork, copy, suggest corrections or ask questions. Happy hacking :)



DemoGrapher is a web application that helps in efficiently visualizing students data segregated by demographics. The information can be refined by numerous powerful filters based on criteria like Student Gender, Ethnicity, Academic Year, Academic Level, College, Department, Major, etc.



This is a compilation of a few novel research ideas, innovative projects, hackathon ideas & open source contributions designed and implemented by me for research, learning or simply a lack of tool. Hopefully might help someone. Feel free to fork, copy, suggest corrections or ask questions. Happy hacking :)



This repository contains scripts or configuarions to install, setup, uninstall, upgrade or monitor frameworks, tools & machine resouces for various environments (different operating systems with various versions). It acts as a centralized location of scripts making it easier to refer or fetch them in other scripts. Hopefully might help someone. Feel free to fork, copy, suggest corrections or ask questions. Happy scripting :)



WebSocketizer - a tool for automatically refactoring RESTFul HTTP web service to WebSocket application by generating Web Socket Server and Client without altering the functionality exposed by the RESTFul application. WebSocketizer has two major components - Pattern Identifier (PI) & Code Generator (COGEN). PI is responsible for parsing the code and identifying definitive patterns it expects in a JAX-RS RESTFul service.



Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark
