shivajivarma / rule-engine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rule Engine

var rule = new Rule({
	conditions: {
		any: [{
				all: [{
						lhs: ['student.age'],
						operator: 'equal',
						rhs: 40
					}, {
						lhs: [''],
						operator: 'equal',
						rhs: ['user.fullname']
			}, {
				forEach: {
					array: 'student.subjects',
					as: 'subject'
					all: [{
							lhs: ['subject.mark'],
							operator: 'equal',
							rhs: 48
						}, {
							lhs: [''],
							operator: 'greaterThanInclusive',
							rhs: 'maths'

	student: xyzStudent,
	user: xyzUser
	// do something
	// do something else


Each rule condition must begin with a boolean operator(all or any) at its root.

The operator compares the value returned by the fact to what is stored in the value property. If the result is truthy, the condition passes.

String and Numeric operators:

equal - fact must equal value

notEqual - fact must not equal value

these operators use strict equality (===) and inequality (!==)

String operators:

match - fact must match value (regex)

Numeric operators:

lessThan - fact must be less than value

lessThanInclusive- fact must be less than or equal to value

greaterThan - fact must be greater than value

greaterThanInclusive- fact must be greater than or equal to value

Array operators:

in - fact must be included in value (an array)

notIn - fact must not be included in value (an array)

contains - fact (an array) must include value

doesNotContain - fact (an array) must not include value



Language:JavaScript 100.0%