shippify / Widget

Shippify javascript widget that wraps the api and provides a basic UX for any online store.

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Shippify UI Widget

Shippify UI Widget for companies and e-commerce platforms - a toolkit for implementing Shippify's Last Mile Delivery API on the web through a friendly UI. It is designed to enable e-commerces of any size to quickly create, and dispatch orders, at checkout, to Shippify and confirm them for delivery the moment it is needed. It also makes it easy to customize the style files that render the widget and adjust them to e-commerces' personal needs.


You can choose to install the Shippify UI Widget either through a CDN, manually, or through a dependency manager (coming soon).

Start ASAP

Using Shippify's own CDN is the fastest and easiest way to insert the widget functionality directly to your webpage.

To test it, just copy this snippet into an html file or use the sample html file at /sample/index.html.temp of this repo. Copy and rename it as index.html to open it in the browser of your choice.

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="my-shippify-widget"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">

      const pickupPlace = new shippify.places.FullLocation("Av. 9 de Octubre, Guayaquil, EC", -2.1148198, -79.8975795)

      const orderTemplate = {
        id: 'my-platform-reference-id',
        platform: shippify.integrations.platforms.VTEX,
        items: [
          { id: 'my-product-id', name: 'Dog', size: 3, quantity: 10 }
        fixedPrice: {// fixed prices are applied depending on the deal with Shippify city manager
          value: 3.14,
          currencyCode: 'USD'
      const orderManagerOptions = {
        credentials: {
          apiId: 'my-shippify-api-id',
          apiSecret: 'my-shippify-api-secret'
        // googleMapsAPIKey: 'my-google-maps-api-key'
      const orderManager = new shippify.integrations.OrderManager(orderTemplate, orderManagerOptions)

      const shippifyWidgetContainer = document.getElementById('my-shippify-widget')
      const widget = new shippify.integrations.Widget(orderManager, shippifyWidgetContainer, {
        preferredLanguage: 'es'

Widget Components

To enable you to quickly get started using the Shippify UI Widget, we've created a simple library in javascript to render the widget in your webpage with a few options.

The widget is powered by the logic housed in the OrderManager class.


To initialize a manager there must be a configuration set as:

const orderManager = new shippify.integrations.OrderManager(orderTemplate, options) // DOMNode should be a DOM node container where the widget should be rendered.

An order template is an object that represents the order's and its pickup information which contains the following keys:

{ // Order template (object)
  id: "my-order-id", // The merchant supplied order id backed in their system. (string, non-empty),
  platform: "vtex", // Only if e-commerce uses a shippify-integrated platform. (enum:platform, string, optional)
  items: [ // List of items to be delivered. (array, non-empty)
    name: "Shoes", // (string)
    size: 2, // (enum:packageSize, integer),
    quantity: 10 // (integer, gte-1)
  pickupPlace: new shippify.places.Address("Rua Curitiba - Lourdes, Belo Horizonte - State of Minas Gerais, Brazil"), // Business or pickup location. (class:Place, object, optional)
  specialInstructions: "Ring the bell for apartment 2B, ask for Carol.", // In-app instructions for your business's location for the courier. (string, optional)
  fixedPrice: { // Set a fixed shipping price (object, optional)
    value: 3.14, // (float, gte-1),
    currencyCode: "USD" // (iso4217, string)

The OrderManager includes options as permissions and credentials provided by Shippify API and/or external sources.

{ // Options (object)
  credentials: { // Shippify API credentials for your e-commerce. (object)
    apiId: "my-shippify-api-id", // (string, non-empty),
    apiSecret: "my-shippify-api-secret", // (string, non-empty),
  googleMapsAPIKey: "my-google-maps-api-key" // Google Maps API key for better geocoding (string, non-empty, optional)


The Place class conforms to the location protocol for Shippify Places. Different options allow the user to represent their locations in an easy way. Places can be:

  • Physical addresses can be included as shippify.places.Address("Rua Curitiba - Lourdes, Belo Horizonte - State of Minas Gerais, Brazil")
  • Coordinates as shippify.places.LatLng(-19.929416, -43.944240)
  • Warehouses or depots added to the Shippify platform to your business can be represented using their issued id as shippify.places.Warehouse(777)
  • FullLocation assumes you know your exact coordinates and address, can be both geocoded via Google Maps API. If so, just go ahead and use as shippify.places.FullLocation("Rua Curitiba - Lourdes, Belo Horizonte - State of Minas Gerais, Brazil", -19.929416, -43.944240)


The Widget class is responsible for creating the UI for creating an order based on the client's dropoff information. Widget uses an OrderManager instance and renders the widget in a DOM node container.

const widget = new shippify.integrations.Widget(orderManager, document.getElementById("my-shippify-widget"))

Generating an order:

Once the client clicks your checkout button, call widget.generateOrder. This method will parse the fields and if everything is correct will create an order in the Shippify platform.

widget.generateOrder((error, order) => {

An order, if the request is successful, will return with the following schema:

  order: { // (object)
    id: "321", // (string)
    href: "" // Url to get the created order details. (string)

About managing orders

Once you create an order, it will live on our servers for a period of 30 days if not confirmed. For more info in how to manage your pending orders, follow the docs at:

Destroying the widget

For deleting the widget once the confirmation is successful only call widget.destroy().


This section is only necessary if your e-commerce is using a sales platform which has integration with the Shippify API. At the moment Shippify has successfully integrated with the following platforms:

shippify.integrations.platforms = {


Shippify operates in a large number of countries, therefore localization and internationalization is very important for us. Currently we support en-*, es-*, pt-* locales. If you need to add more languages or messages, the steps to follow are:

Add localized messages

  1. Go inside the translations directory in src/translations/.
  2. In messages.js, define a message key that will be used to identify the message through different locales.
  3. In each of the locale files (e.g. en.js), add your message key with the text that should be displayed in said locale as value.
  4. To reference it in the html, go to src/widget.ejs and write as <%= messages[messageIds.NEW_MESSAGE_ID] %>.

Add new language

  1. Go inside the translations directory in src/translations/.
  2. Create new file with locale language code (e.g. fr.js).
  3. Copy and paste one of the existent language files and replace its texts to respective locale.
  4. To enable it, go to src/translations/index.js and add these two lines:
// Assuming french locale (fr.js)
import { translations as frenchTranslations } from './fr'
// ...
  'fr': frenchTranslations,


All constructors and actions made by the classes: Place, OrderManager, Widget can throw errors if the input information is missing or invalid. Shippify has streamlined errors with information about the reason of the failure and how to correct them.

These errors have code, message properties to identify the error and its description. In many cases, the errors will also have a meta property if more info is necessary.


Code Description
invalid_value An input parameter was missing or invalid. Please check the documentation for the proper values.
geocoding_failure Shippify uses Google Maps API to geocode addresses and coordinates provided. If specifying a warehouse id from Shippify provokes this error, then such id is invalid.
unauthenticated The Shippify API credentials provided are missing, or incorrect.
unknown_error An unknown error has occurred. Commonly this refers to connectivity problems.

Contribute and customize

  • Clone this repo.
  • Go inside project directory.
  • Run npm install.
# Go to directory where project should be cloned
git clone
cd Widget
npm install


Requirements to build

  • node >= 4
  • npm >= 3


Sandbox mode works well for development. Once the development server has started (see steps below), any file in /src can be modified and customized to your specific needs and will cause a process of linting and rendering on your browser.

The approach of hot-module reloading (HMR) allows a fast and safe experience at the moment of coding.

  • Uncomment commented lines in src/index.js and fill with e-commerce specific information.
  • Run npm start at root directory. (If browser does not open automatically, open http://localhost:3000)
# Inside project directory
npm start



When you have finished customizing the widget for your needs or the default implementation is good enough for you, it's time to generate a production build. Through a series of scripts, we create an optimized and minified build of /src contents that define the widget behavior and appearance.

To create this bundle:

  • Run npm run build at root directory.
  • Drag assets generated from /build directory and add them to your server's public folder.
  • Add the necessary tags in you html file.
# Inside project directory
npm run build

More info

If you need more info about our entities and API follow the docs at:


Shippify javascript widget that wraps the api and provides a basic UX for any online store.


Language:JavaScript 88.8%Language:HTML 5.8%Language:CSS 5.4%