shindavid / AlphaZeroArcade

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Alpha Zero Arcade

A generic AlphaZero framework.

There are many AlphaZero implementations out there, but most of them are for a specific game. Some implementations are more generic but at a serious performance cost. This implementation is designed to be maximally generic at minimal overhead.

The implementation aims to incorporate as many state-of-the-art ideas and techniques as possible from other projects. In particular, it borrows heavily from KataGo. Eventually, it hopes to work just-as-well as KataGo does for go, while minimizing go-specific details in its implementation.

The framework also aims to support games that have one or more of the following characteristics:

  • Imperfect information
  • Randomness
  • p players for any p >= 1

Getting Started

Env setup

The project assumes you are working on a Linux platform. No other OS's will be supported.

To get started, clone the repo, and then run:

$ source

This will launch, which will walk you through the necessary installation steps. These steps may require some manual external steps like installing CUDA and torchlib. Such steps unfortunately cannot be automated because of licensing reasons.

In the future, whenever you open a new shell, you should rerun the above command. Subsequent runs will be much faster, as they simply define some environment variables and activate a conda environment.


From the repo root, run:


This should build a binary for each supported game, along with some unit-test binaries. The end of the output should list the available binary paths:

Binary location: target/Release/bin/c4
Binary location: target/Release/bin/othello
Binary location: target/Release/bin/othello-tests
Binary location: target/Release/bin/tictactoe

You can then run for example target/Release/bin/tictactoe -h to get a list of help options.

The AlphaZero loop

A highly experienced graphic artist was hired to create the below figure, which summarizes the server architecture:


The loop controller manages the entire loop. It uses its GPU to continuously train a neural network. It periodically sends snapshots of the network weights over TCP to one or more self-play servers. The self-play servers use the current network weights to generate self-play games, sending them back to the loop controller over TCP. The loop controller in return writes those games to disk, along with associated metadata to an sqlite3 database, and incorporates that data into its continuous training.

One or more ratings servers can also participate. The loop controller sends model weights to the ratings servers, along with requests to test those weights in specific matchups against a game-specific family of reference agents. The ratings servers performs these matches and then send back match results (win/loss/draw counts). The loop controller writes the results to its database, and computes ratings based on the results. These ratings, along with various self-play and training metrics, can be viewed using the web dashboard.

You can launch this loop on your local machine for the game of your choice, with a command like this:

./py/alphazero/scripts/ --game tictactoe --tag my-first-run

or using aliases,

./py/alphazero/scripts/ -g tictactoe -t my-first-run

This launches one instance of each the 3 server types (loop-controller, self-play, ratings).

Here my-first-run is a run tag. All files produced by the run will then be placed in the directory


where $A0A_OUTPUT_DIR is an environment variable configured during env setup.

By default, will detect the number of available cuda devices on the local machine, and allocate the GPU's across the servers in an optimal manner. If 1 or more GPU's are shared by multiple servers, the loop-controller carefully orchestrates the entire process, pausing and unpausing components as needed to ensure that the GPU's stay fully utilized, without the components thrashing with each other or getting starved indefinitely.

Measuring Progress

During-or-after a run of the loop-controller, you can launch a web dashboard to track the progress of your run:

./py/alphazero/scripts/ -g tictactoe -t my-first-run --open-in-browser

This launches an interactive dashboard in your web browser, which currently looks like this:


The "Ratings" item in the sidebar shows a plot like this:


The dark curve corresponds to an MCTS agent using i=1600 iterations per search. The light curve corresponds to an agent that plays according to the raw network policy with no search.

In the above, the y-axis is a measure of skill. A skill-level of 13 means that the agent has an approximately 50% win-rate against a 13-ply exhaustive tree-search agent. Given that each player makes a maximum of 21 moves in Connect4, 21-ply exhaustive tree-search represents perfect-play, meaning that the dashed line at y=21 represents perfect play. The above plot thus indicates that the system attains optimal results against perfect play within 5 hours (i.e., it always wins as first player against perfect play).

You can also manually play against an MCTS agent powered by a net produced by the AlphaZero loop. For the above tictactoe example, you can do this with a command like:

./target/Release/bin/tictactoe --player "--type=TUI" \
  --player "--type=MCTS-C -m $A0A_OUTPUT_DIR/tictactoe/my-first-run/models/"

C++ Overview

Directory Structure

In the cpp/ directory, there are 3 high-level subdirectories:


The include/ directory contains the header files (.hpp), and the src/ directory contains independently compiled .cpp files. For headers that contain template functions, the implementations of those functions typically live in an inline file (.inl) - those files live in the inline/ directory, and are #include'd at the bottom of the corresponding header file. All three directories have parallel matching subdirectory structures.

Below are the list of modules of cpp/include/. In the list, no module has any dependencies on a module that appears later in the list.

  • third_party: third-party code that was simply copy-pasted because it was not available as a package
  • util: utility code that is not specific to games/AlphaZero
  • core: core game code (nothing MCTS-specific). Some key classes provided here:
    • AbstractPlayer: abstract class for a player that can play a game
    • GameServer: runs a series of games between players (which can optionally join from other processes)
  • mcts: generic MCTS implementation
  • games: game-specific types and players. Each game (e.g., connect4, othello) has its own subdirectory
  • generic_players: generic player implementations that can be used for any game

Game Types as C++ Template Parameters

The MCTS code is entirely templated based on the game type. This can make the code a bit daunting at first. What drove this decision?

A high-performance MCTS implementation should aim to saturate both GPU and CPU resources via parallelism. When CPU resources are fully saturated, it is common for the PUCT calculation that powers MCTS to become a bottleneck. In order to optimize this calculation, it is important for the various tensors involved to have sizes and types known at compile time. If the sizes and types are specified at runtime, then the tensor calculations can hide a lot of inefficient dynamic memory allocation/deallocation and virtual dispatch under the hood.

Fundamentally, this consideration drove the design of this framework to specify the game type as a template parameter. The simpler alternative would have been to use an abstract game-type base class and inheritance, but this would incur the performance penalty described above.

Note: most MCTS implementations are for 1-player games or 2-player zero-sum games. In such games, the value of a state can be represented as a scalar. This implementation, however, supports n-player games for arbitrary n, and so the value is instead represented as a 1D tensor. This is another reason why compile-time knowledge of the game type helps, as otherwise, all value-calculations (which are simply scalar calculations in typical MCTS implementations) would incur dynamic memory allocation/deallocation.


A command-runner called just is used for various scripting.

Install instructions are here:

To view available commands, just run: just

Docker and Cloud GPUs

Below are some instructions for building and running on GPUs in the cloud.

(Note: this was only tested on the lambdalabs cloud, but is easily extensible to others)


  1. Create instance and setup ssh config for HOSTNAME
  2. Run just setup-lambda HOSTNAME to configure node, build docker container, install all deps (takes about 5-10 minutes)
  3. Run just goto HOSTNAME to log into the cloud docker container
  4. Run just build to build
  5. Run just train_c4 YOUR_TAG_HERE -S to train connect-4



Language:C++ 44.1%Language:C 44.0%Language:Python 9.6%Language:CSS 0.8%Language:JavaScript 0.6%Language:CMake 0.4%Language:HTML 0.2%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:Just 0.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%