shilman / cy-ct-cra-storybook

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Creat React App + StoryBook + Cypress Component Testing

This is an example of how storybook and cypress can work together hand in hand.


yarn cy opens the cypress component testing environment.

How to setup Storybook with cypress component testing

  1. Create react app yarn create create-app <project-name>
  2. Initialize storybook using npx -p @storybook/cli sb init
  3. Create stories in storybook (src/stories/Button.stories.tsx)
  4. Add cypress component testing via yarn create cypress-tests
  5. Install the link library yarn add -D @storybook/testing-react
  6. Load .storybook/preview in cypress/support to install all storybook globals and decorators in cypress (cypress/support/index.js)
  7. Mount stories in cypress tests (src/stories/Button.test.tsx)

To install cypress

See the cypress directory



Language:TypeScript 64.7%Language:JavaScript 19.1%Language:HTML 9.2%Language:CSS 7.1%