shillcock / level

Team communication optimized for deep work

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Level is team communication software optimized for deep work.

Sign up at to reserve your handle and get on the updates list.

Project Status

Level is currently in the pre-launch phase and under active development by a company of one. Most tasks are being tracked offline as the foundations of the product come together, in the interest of rapid development and reaching an alpha stage for teams to start using it as quickly as possible.

Developer Setup

You'll need to install the following dependencies first:

Run the bootstrap script to install the remaining dependencies and create your development database:

cd level

If your local PostgreSQL install does not have a default postgres user, open the config/dev.secret.exs file and update the credentials. Then, run the bootstrap script again.

Use the script/server command to start up your local server and visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Installing Node.js

This repository includes a .nvmrc file targeting a specific version of Node that is known to be compatible with all current node dependencies. Things might work with a newer version of Node, but the most guaranteed route is to install Node Version Manager and run nvm install from the project root.

Then, be sure to run script/bootstrap to install node dependencies with the correct version of node.

Running tests and analyses

We have a handful of helper scripts available:

  • script/elixir-test: runs the Elixir test suite with coveralls
  • script/elm-test: runs the Elm test suite
  • script/test: runs the Elixir and Elm test suites
  • script/static-analysis: runs Credo (Elixir linting), Dialyzer, and Elixir formatter verification
  • script/build: runs all the test suites and static analysis


The following environment variables must be set in production:

Variable Description
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID The AWS access key id for your account (with access to S3).
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The AWS secret access key corresponding to the access key id.
LEVEL_ASSET_STORE_BUCKET The name of the S3 bucket in which to store uploaded assets.
PORT The port on which to host the application (typically 80).
LEVEL_HOST The domain on which you are serving the app (used for generating URLs).
LEVEL_CDN_HOST The host for the CDN for serving static assets (like Level's CSS and application JS).
LEVEL_MAILER_HOST The domain via which to send transaction emails (usually same as LEVEL_HOST).
LEVEL_SECRET_KEY_BASE A secret key for verifying the integrity of signed cookies.
LEVEL_DATABASE_URL The URL for the PostgreSQL database.
LEVEL_POOL_SIZE The maximum number of database connections each process may consume.
Transactional Email
POSTMARK_API_KEY The API key for Postmark.
Web Push Notifications
See instructions here:

The following variables are for non-essential external services.

Variable Description
Exception Monitoring
HONEYBADGER_API_KEY The API key for exception monitoring (Elixir).
HONEYBADGER_JS_API_KEY The API key for exception monitoring (JavaScript).
FATHOM_SITE_ID The site ID for Fathom Analytics.
FULLSTORY_ORG The organization ID for FullStory.
HEAP_ANALYTICS_APP_ID The app ID for Heap Analytics.
Email Marketing
DRIP_ACCOUNT_ID The account ID for Drip.
DRIP_API_KEY The personal api key for Drip.
HELPSCOUT_BEACON_ID The Beacon ID for Help Scout.


Run the script/docs to generate and view the project ExDocs locally.

Heroku Deployment (Experimental)

One of our goals is to make self-installation as painless as possible for those who are interested in hosting their own instance.

The relevant configuration files for Heroku live here:

We are aiming to keep seamless Heroku deployment up-to-date, with a few important "alpha software" notes:

  • It's possible you may find it broken on master. If you do, please file an issue.
  • As deployment needs grow more complex, it may become no longer feasible to support Heroku deploys. Caveat emptor.

Required additional services

In addition to a Heroku account, you'll need the following services to get your Heroku install up and running:

  • An AWS account and an S3 bucket for storing file uploads. You'll be asked for AWS API keys and bucket name environment variables during setup.
  • A transactional email provider (we recommend Postmark). You'll be asked for SMTP host, port, username, and password environment variables during setup.



© 2019 Level Technologies, LLC

Level is source-available software. (license | readme)


Team communication optimized for deep work



Language:Elm 48.9%Language:Elixir 42.1%Language:JavaScript 2.8%Language:PLpgSQL 2.7%Language:HTML 2.5%Language:CSS 0.9%Language:Shell 0.2%