shidh / fits-service

Web Service to visualize fits format data

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



REST web Service to visualize fits format data, via


  1. Install Maven download
  2. Install Tomcat download
  3. git clone
  4. Compile the service: go into fits-service directory, run mvn clean install
  5. Copy fits.war in Tomcat webapp directory
  6. Create file, add following property in it
service.url = url_of_the _service

and put the file into Tomcat conf directory

  1. Start Tomcat
  2. Service runs under url_of_the _service/fits


Following REST commands are implemented(You can check http://localhost:8080/swc/api/explain page for swc-service usage examples):

Path: /api/view
  • Method: POST
  • Media type: multipart/form-data
  • Input fields:
    • field 1:
      • name: file1
      • type: file
      • value: locally selected fits file
  • Response: Delivers HTML view representation of the fits file.
Path: /api/view
  • Method: GET
  • Media type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • Input fields:
    • field 1:
      • name: url
      • type: text
      • value: link to the fits URL
  • Response: returns HTML view representation of the fits file referenced by the URL.


Web Service to visualize fits format data

License:MIT License