shgiebner21 / parker-and-parks

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Fun with Parker Bear and Charleston Parks Conservancy

This is a web application to help connect children and families with Charleston's parks.

I built this application to highlight the technical skills learned at the JRS Code Bootcamp including;

  • Database technology; CouchDb is used here but we also learned mySQL
  • Functional Javascript including libraries like Ramda, Moment and Tachyons
  • Git and Github, CLI (iTerm), Text Editors (Atom), Node.js and NPM
  • React/Redux and a RESTful API

Parker and Parks

User Story: LogIn, Log user in (landing page)

As a child I need to log into the app so that I can view list of parks I have visited in the past.
See (view park list) TODO (wireframe)

User Story: View Park list Map

As a child I would like to see all ten parks and whether or not I have visited them.

User Story: View Park Details

As a child I would like to view details and memories of a park I have visited, including What are the details and memories that will be shown? (List of images, tasks completed, etc) - Volunteer Tasks (volunteer task item component includes: task name, completed: true/false, type image(nice to have) ) - Learning events Tasks (" " ") Selecting a task from the list of volunteer tasks will take me to a volunteer task detail page. See View Volunteer Task detail page user story.

User Story: View Task detail page (volunteer)

As a child I wish to view all the details about a volunteer task and optionally choose to fulfill or cancel. Fulfilling a task will do xxx. Cancelling a task will return me to the View Park Details page. API: '/parks/:parkid/tasks/:taskid (specific park/task/:id)

User Story: View Task detail page (Learning Event)

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The project is divided into two directories, the api directory is the API Application and the web directory is the React/Redux Application.

You can run both the API and WEB by doing the following

npm install
npm run web-install
npm run api-install
npm start

This should start the web app on 3000 and the api app on 5000



Language:JavaScript 97.6%Language:HTML 2.1%Language:CSS 0.4%