The camunda-cloud helm mono-repo, contains and host all camunda-cloud related helm charts.
The charts can be accessed by adding the following HELM repo to your HELM setup:
> helm repo add camundacloud
> helm repo update
The charts are represented in the following image:
You can consume each individual chart, or use the zeebe-full-helm
chart which will install all the components, including an NGINX Ingress Controller.
Currently we host the following charts:
- zeebe-cluster-helm
- Depends on: ElasticSearch, Kibana, Prometheus Operator
- zeebe-operate-helm
- Can be configured to point to a Zeebe Cluster
- zeebe-full-helm
- Depends on: zeebe-cluster, zeebe-operate, zeebe-tasklist, zeebe-zeeqs and nginx-ingress
- zeebe-tasklist-helm (Experimental)
- zeebe-zeeqs-helm (Experimental)
- Depends on: Hazelcast
Follow the instructions in the Zeebe docs to install Zeebe to a K8s cluster using these charts.
Each Chart contains it's own configurations and parameters, you can visit each chart README for more information.
Note check the Zeebe Helm Profiles repository for different configurations for your clusters, such as Dev, HA, etc. Feel free to contribute with your own profiles if you want to
You can install these Helm Charts by running:
helm install <YOUR HELM RELEASE NAME> zeebe/zeebe-full-helm
This command will install all Zeebe Components that are provided by the zeebe-full-helm
You can remove these charts by running:
helm uninstall <YOUR HELM RELEASE NAME>
Notice that all the services and pods will be deleted, but not the Persistence Volume Claims which are used to hold the storage for the data generated by the cluster and ElasticSearch. In order to free up the storage you need to manually delete all the Persistent Volume Claims. You can do this by running:
kubectl get pvc
Then delete the ones that you don't want to keep:
kubectl delete pvc <PVC ids here>
Or delete the related kubernetes namespace, which contains the resources.
Please create new issues if you find problems with these charts. This repository is hosted using GitHub Pages and the source code repository can be found here:
These charts are build and linted on every push to the main branch. If the chart version changes a new github release with the the corresponding packaged helm chart is created. The charts are hosted via github pages and use the release artifacts. We use the chart-releaser-action to release the charts.